i take your pain away

Feb 09, 2012 18:47

You know what's annoying?

Having a bottle of wine in the fridge, pouring yourself a glass and realizing...hm. This tastes slightly vinegary.

I bought this bottle on Saturday, had a glass on Sunday and another on Monday with dinner. For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I have not had dinner since then.

I was so looking forward to my big salad and glass of wine. But it seems to have gone slightly off. Damn it!

In other news, I have been on a Heather Nova kick lately. Friend didn't know who she was, so I got to introduce her to 'Walk This World' and 'Truth and Bone.' I still love them, but seriously? The 90s were SO earnest. *g*

Also! All of the Valentine's adverts are crazy-making. They're all so terrible and (worst of all) total cliches. You all know me, I adore Valentine's but that's because most people act like idiots and you get to eat candy for every meal. But, oh my God, the 'get her diamonds' or 'all women love chocolate' are totally harshing my buzz.

...is the food of love, real life shenanigans

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