you think your dreams are the same as mine

Jan 28, 2012 19:58

Reason #90397 that Facebook is of the devil -

Your little cousin posts 'Vagina used to seem so magical; now it's nothing but trouble.'

Like, seriously?

And, granted, he's 26, but still. Things your family doesn't need to know. I feel like people forget that it's not just your friends on there.

Clearly, I would say that stuff to you people, but not so much on my Facebook. Again - there are things your relations do not need to know.

In other news, I FINALLY saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and it was...fine?

I mean, it was good, Rooney Mara was excellent, I really liked Daniel Craig as Mikael, but - it was kind-of what I was expecting, you know? It's pretty much exactly what you think when you hear, 'Fincher is directing Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.'

And, of course, I still have my little The Social Network problem. So, since his last movie has usurped everything else I've EVER SEEN to become my favorite movie (hand to God - I watched it again last weekend and felt like a leaky faucet. One day, I'll get over it but today is not that day. Sigh.), there was no way this one was going to live up to my expectations.

Now I'm off to continue zesting and julienning oranges. Candied orange zest here I come!

big screen: girl with the dragon tattoo, rls: family, big screen: the social network

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