now it's like i'm on a mission

Aug 10, 2011 12:56

This cracked me up -

Backstreet Boys v 'N Snyc: The Great Boyband Debate

Clearly, I have to go with 'N Sync.

Just for, you know, 'Gone.' And where would we be as a society without Justin Timberlake? *g*

Though I do love love LOVE 'I Want It That Way.'

Since we're speaking of pop culture ten years ago, Imma rant a minute.

Yesterday, I read some article (don't remember where and can't find it for love nor money now) about the 'truth' behind went down between Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston.

I had several problems with the whole thing, but it can really be distilled into two issues -

1 - Who cares anymore?

It happened, what? - five or six years ago now, right? Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a passel of children. Jennifer Anniston is a hot gazillionaire who can do whatever/whomever she wants. So why does anyone care? (Yes, pot meet kettle, etc.)

2 - At the beginning of the article, it said he admitted to having an affair; then, about ten lines down, it said he admitted he was in love with someone else.

Now, you can debate and get into the semantics of emotional cheating, but one does not equal the other. You tell your current partner that you're in love with someone else, so that you DON'T cheat on them.


Now I'm going to go back to work and think about the awesome shoes I have coming to me.

The shoes are all my mother's fault, by the way. She and pops just went to the mall (They're like freaking teenagers; it's hilarious and awesome. You know how some people get sick of each other when they retire? My parents are more glommed together than ever.) and she just called and told me that I would like a lot of the shoes. So I looked while I was on the phone with her and there you go. New shoes!

I have a problem. the food of love, shoe fetish

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