shook the valley of the shadow

Sep 18, 2006 20:06

1. One of my friends just made me feel much better about the (fiasco that was the) last year of my life, with one little comment.

She asked if I had heard from jackass, and I said no, we haven't talked in like three weeks. To which I added, 'I guess if someone stops picking up the phone, you finally get the idea.' And we're laughing and I continued with 'I just...can't. I can't deal with his stupid shit anymore. And, you know, it stresses me out. Not for him, but for me! Because what in the hell did I ever see in, or find attractive about, him?!'

She just stopped talking and said, 'You know, he didn't seem...well. I would have been fooled too, so.'

And just.


I don't think about him anymore and I have no urge to talk to him, or about him, but it was really nice hearing that. Because she was there for the beginning of it, and saw us at the start and knew everything. So, that was good to hear.

I mean, I kept crawling back for more, but it's nice to know there wasn't anything that should have had alarms blaring from the first.

2. In much more important news, I am in love with Dean Winchester. Serious.

Initially I was a bit wary because he's so g-d pretty, you know? But the more I watch (or, you know, the more times I consume the. entire. season in a sitting), the more I just. Deean. Oh God. My heart.

3. Want to know a really weird phobia of mine? Even weirder than the mushroom thing?

I'm constantly afraid that I'm going to see porn featuring someone I know.

That I'll all innocently put in or download some porn and there will be my old training partner, or someone I knew in high school, or, you know, that chick who used to sit next to me in my naval history seminar.

I really think I'd flip out.

Which is...weird. Since it's not like I have an objection to porn. Obviously. But. Still. Eww.

4. I'm also deeply infatuated with my new icon. Apart from my whole Dean thing, it's just gorgeous.

5. Something that cracked me up at work (ie - I was in my office and it caused one of my guys outside to poke his head in and ask what the hell was up) -

Another possible guest, of course, is his frequent collaborator Beyoncé, who has also been his girlfriend since…Well, it's hard to pinpoint when they did get together, given that both parties decline to even admit that they are a couple, despite the massive evidence to the contrary. From this week's Entertainment Weekly cover story, Jay-Z Returns.

6. Barenaked Ladies covering Prince is good stuff, yo. Not as good as that great, gospel R+J version, but. You know. Not much is.

7. Time to stop rambling. Time to toddle to bed. the food of love, real life shenanigans, rls: pop culture hooha, porn(ish), idiot's lantern: supernatural

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