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Comments 11

easytigergrrr September 10 2011, 04:12:35 UTC
This story was amazing! Man it gave me shivers! And that ending was so bittersweet but fit so well! SUCH a good job!


parka_girl September 12 2011, 14:47:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. I actually wrote the first draft really quickly which is why I decided I wanted it to take place in just 24 hours. And thank you, about the end, as I was posting it, I was wondering if I made it too sad, but I'm glad you thought it worked :D


easytigergrrr September 12 2011, 14:59:40 UTC
It TOTALLY worked!


parka_girl September 12 2011, 15:47:30 UTC
Yay! :D


silviakundera September 13 2011, 00:10:11 UTC
I'm glad to see someone writing this pairing. Thanks for sharing this! :)


parka_girl September 13 2011, 01:03:28 UTC
I have another one that needs to be posted as well. I hope you enjoyed the story! I basically only ship them now.


silviakundera September 13 2011, 04:35:26 UTC
I have another one that needs to be posted as well.
That's so exciting! !!!

I hope you enjoyed the story!
You have a lovely way with words and I did enjoy it [though admittedly, I probably wouldn't have read it if I'd known they didn't end up together. I'm kind of embarassingly OTP about them these days. It's a good fic, and if you don't get enough feedback that's the only reason I can think of. Honestly, it was very well done. ]

I will wait anxiously for your next story.


parka_girl September 13 2011, 17:37:53 UTC
Sorry about that! I rather like writing bittersweet fics, but I went into this one knowing exactly how I wanted it to end. Of course, while writing it I was very very tempted to chuck out the ending so they'd be together! As for feedback, I don't really expect any anymore, so it's not a big deal.

I promise, in the other fic, they do end up together ;)


glitterburn November 18 2011, 13:04:49 UTC
Maybe it's because I'm not invested in the fandom and the characters, but I didn't really see this as bittersweet, not completely. Actually I found it a very hopeful fic, although the hope is directed at the characters as individuals and not at them as a pairing. 'Lost weekend' (or 'lost 24 hour', LOL) fics are hard to do well because they rely so much on internal conflict, but I think you did a great job here :D ( ... )


parka_girl November 21 2011, 04:39:40 UTC
Hopeful! That is actually, in some ways, what I was hoping the end would be like -- though I didn't think it would actually make it there. And I tried really hard to avoid Eduardo (you would not believe how many kpop names I had to go through before I got to TSN ....) not be too clingy or too needy, which I wanted him to be. I also had no idea I would be able to do the 24 hours so well -- haflway through this fic I also realized that it needed 10k words and I was like SHIT. But I don't think you can read that into the text, at least I hope not ;)

Thank you! I like to involve, at least when I know about them, partners/etc. And my friend loves Eduardo and so the girl he mentions is actually a celeb in Singapore that he sometimes hangs out with (I ship them, but only because they're so cute together).

I like their maturity, and the way that the sex isn't about a romantic connection but it's feeding a different set of emotions instead.Honestly, a lot of times this is how I try to write sex into fic, but it doesn't always work. I'm so ( ... )


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parka_girl September 9 2013, 15:28:42 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. And I understand your frustrations. There's never enough Sean/Eduardo for me (and I totally agree with the fact that it's really Mark --- and I'm not a fan of Mark/Eduardo forgiveness fics, either).

Again, thank you!


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