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parka_girl November 21 2011, 04:39:40 UTC
Hopeful! That is actually, in some ways, what I was hoping the end would be like -- though I didn't think it would actually make it there. And I tried really hard to avoid Eduardo (you would not believe how many kpop names I had to go through before I got to TSN ....) not be too clingy or too needy, which I wanted him to be. I also had no idea I would be able to do the 24 hours so well -- haflway through this fic I also realized that it needed 10k words and I was like SHIT. But I don't think you can read that into the text, at least I hope not ;)

Thank you! I like to involve, at least when I know about them, partners/etc. And my friend loves Eduardo and so the girl he mentions is actually a celeb in Singapore that he sometimes hangs out with (I ship them, but only because they're so cute together).

I like their maturity, and the way that the sex isn't about a romantic connection but it's feeding a different set of emotions instead.
Honestly, a lot of times this is how I try to write sex into fic, but it doesn't always work. I'm so glad that it worked here. I also think that you're right, they probably will be able to remain friends in the universe of this fic. And one of my favorite themes to write is that Eduardo doesn't forget OR forgive, but he also doesn't have to. I think that's why people tend to think it's bittersweet (though I did have a friend tell me that for her, she doesn't like any fics where her OTP doesn't get together, whereas I tend to just like to write whatever seems to suit me, if that means the OTP isn't staying together, so be it -- and I know that's not how a lot of writers are, but ...).

Also I really liked this line: Facebook makes our lives complicated - aside from being true for the characters, it's something I find true IRL! Not that I have a facebook, I loathe the thing, but yeah XD
Man, if I could delete my FB, I would! Sadly, I need to keep it for work purposes. I did delete my G+ account due to the name policy, but even though it's changed, I don't plan to ever go back, ugh.

I'm so glad you liked the fic! Thank you for reading it! :D


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