Daydreaming (Dancing lessons chapter 12)

Jun 06, 2015 09:09

Series: Dancing lessons
Chapter: 12
Written by: Parishs
Inspired by: zzzfreckles
Rating: pg
Summary: Reid tells Luke what happened during the kidnap (Reid's POV).
Sequel of the Yule challenge 2014: A Christmas wedding
Following the FFF prompt "Daydreaming" (05-22-2015)
Disclaimer: I own nothing


It was weird that I didn't miss my work but our days were filled with sleeping, lovemaking and talking. The whole kidnap had such an impact in our lives that we fell asleep in the middle of the day and woke up when it was dark.

Emma, Luke's grandmother, called us that she had brought us food and when we opened the door a huge picknick basket stood in front of our door, filled with delicious things. The fact that she supportes us without pushing us to come out of our bubble was fantastic.

Luke didn't push me but I knew he wanted to know what had happened in the cabin, when Noah held me hostage so I told him. It was strange that I was nervous to talk about it, it brought back memories about a time I wanted to forget but I knew he was curious and maybe by talking about it I could get it out of my system.

"After you left he in that shabby hotel someone knocked on my door and I thought it was you Luke, I thought that you wanted to kiss me one more time or had forgotten something so I opened the door without a doubt.

But it wasn't you on the other side, it was Noah who pointed a gun at me. I was shocked but I acted very relaxed, it's weird how calm you can be when you are in such a stressful situation.

He probably knew that you were protected so he focused on me, he must have known that we had a meeting and he waited till you were gone. He was very polite to me but his intentions were clear, he wanted me to go with him. He was an amateur though, he didn't ask my phone so I could text Lucinda where I was and what was happening. I knew that I had to take my time so she could arrange something to rescue me.

When he were sitting in his car I watched him for a while, trying to understand how he could do this to you. Noah seemed numb Luke, he listened to his father's orders in his ear but it was as if he acted like a robot.

It was both reassuring and frightening because he seemed nice and calm but I realized that he could shoot me without a blink of his eyes. His emotionless state made him dangerous. Sometimes I dream about that gaze of his.

He drove us to that small cabin in the woods and he told me to sit on a chair, he didn't try to tie me, it seemed like he was more lost than I was. He pulled his earphone out and lay it on the table and sat down as well. He didn't point his gun at me anymore so I started to think about walking away but I didn't dare risk it.

We didn't speak, the silence in the cabin was scary as hell because I knew that something was going to happen, either his father would be there first or the police and I had no idea what to do.

When Noah heard a car stop he looked outside and smiled. I knew that it must have been his father and I was right, the lunatic entered the cabin and looked at his son.

When he realized that Noah didn't do anything he started to yell and push his son against the table, calling him all kind of names. Faggot. Sissy. It was terrible Luke, to see how Noah seemed to thrink. Without any expression on his face he grabbed the gun from the table and he put the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Why didn't I do something to prevent that? Why didn't I yell? I could have done something but I didn't".

Luke, who was sitting across from me, knee-walked to me and held my head in his hands.

"Reid", he said, "afterwards you know what to do but when you are in a situation like that it's normal that you freeze. And Noah must have been fast in his movement, I am sure that you couldn't have stopped him even if you wanted to.

You have done everything in your power to save him Reid, you even operated on him! What more could you have done? I am so sorry that I have been so stupid, I should have stayed at my safe spot until the coast was clear but no, I acted like a spoiled brad who risked the people he loved most. I would have understood if you would have turned your back at me Reid, I have been so selfish".

I looked into the sad brown eyes I loved so much. What was he talking about? Why did he blame himself? I knew what the risks were and so did his dad, we thought it was safe for him to meet me.

"Stop blaming yourself Luke, Noah is dead and his father is in jail, we are fine! I can't stop daydreaming about our future, you and me and Tyler together. Do you know what Noah said before he passed out? "Make Luke happy", he whispered it before he closed his eyes. It was touching but it also puts a kind of pressure on my shoulders".

Luke leaned towards me and kissed me softly. "Now you have to stop doubting Reid", he said softly. "Did he really say that? Did he think about me in his last moments? I thought that he saw me as a burden".

Tears were welling up in his eyes and ran down his cheeks. He wasn't afraid to show me his emotions, we had grown so close in the last few days that we were ourselves with our flaws and strenghts. I didn't know that you could love someone this deeply, that someone could crawl under your skin like Luke had done. He had told me that he wanted to go home in a day or two but I didn't want him to, I liked it that he wore my clothes and comforted me when I was sad. I wanted to be there for him when he broke down.

But I understood him, that he wanted to swim to the surface again and go back to his normal life. For me it was necessary too to go back to the hospital and put on my scrubs. I needed to operate on the patients who were waiting for me.

But who would I be, after everything that had happened? I wasn't Reid the worlknown neuro surgeon anymore, I wasn't my job any longer. I needed to make time for my work while all I wanted to do was to be around my man, and my little man.

Life had changed dramatically in these few days. My priorities lay at home now, I wanted Luke to teach me how to dance and I wanted to make love to him until he begged me to stop. I wanted to spoil him and look at him. It was sappy but it was all I wanted. I was lovestruck.

dancing lessons, atwt, rating: r, funficfriday, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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