Title: Snapple Caps
parisgal3 Pairing: Jack/Liz
Rating: PG-13 (All parts)
ham_napkin prompt: Snapple caps
Spoilers: Nothing significant
A/N: So, a long time ago, I saw this prompt at
ham_napkin and thought it was interesting, so I put my thinking cap on, pulled up Google and this is what came out over quite a long time. This will be in 7 parts, each part prompted by one or more real Snapple caps (yeah, my title is really original, I know). Some parts are very short, some not so short. All in the same universe, all Jack/Liz. The good news is it is complete, so it’s just a matter of me remembering to post the next part every day.
# 895: If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger nuts will rise to the top.
“Well, let’s just cut this and put in the Leno skit. Josh can do it,” Liz said to Pete as they headed back into the writer’s room after rehearsal late Thursday night.
“That skit’s not really that funny,” Pete argued.
“Let’s worry about making it funny tomorrow, I can’t deal with it tonight,” Liz replied as she noticed Jack was following them and was waiting for her by the door of her office. She said goodnight to Pete and walked past Jack straight to the couch in her office where she crashed, dropping the pile of scripts in her hands to the floor.
“Rough rehearsal?” Jack asked as he grabbed the bag of cookies off Liz’s desk and held it open for her to grab one.
“Honestly, I can’t decide who is crazier: Tracy, Jenna, or me for putting up with anything from them.”
“Jenna, obviously,” Jack answered as he sat next to her with the cookies. “Tracy’s mentally ill and at least you get paid for dealing with them.”
“I don’t think this was part of my job description,” she grumbled.
“It is,” he nodded. “I had it added during your last contract negotiation,” he continued and she rolled her eyes as she grabbed another cookie.
“What are you still doing here?” she asked.
Jack shrugged, “I was on my way out and decided to stop by rehearsal. Are you done here? I’ll take you home.”
“I’m done, but you don’t have to,” she argued.
“You’ve had to deal with enough nuts today, you shouldn’t have to ride the subway too.”
“Okay,” she sighed, “just give me five more minutes,” she added as she sank down into the cushions, leaning against him.
Jack let her rest for exactly five minutes before he nudged her awake with his shoulder “Come on, you’re not sleeping here and I’m not carrying you to the car. Get up and get your stuff.”
# 806 In Albania, nodding your head means no and shaking your head means yes.
Unsurprisingly, Liz had food in her mouth when Jack stepped into her office to ask her to join him at a benefit the following evening.
He tried to suppress a cringe as she shook her head and chewed quickly in an effort to voice her refusal.
“Yes? Great,” he said. “I will have a dress at your apartment in the morning and I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he added and quickly left her office.
Liz stood up to chase him down, getting her feet tangled in the legs of her chair, “Jack! I said no!” she called out and he came back to her office.
“No, you didn’t. You shook your head which I’m assuming means ‘yes’ in comedy writer body language.”
“Why would you assume that?”
“Because that’s the answer I’m looking for. Wear makeup,” he added and left her office again with a grin.
to be continued...