Jun 07, 2010 10:25
What a funny little cycle I've gotten myself in. I am in a helping profession, I will be a therapist one day and my goal will be to alleviate the sufferings of people that come to see me. However, no matter how much I and the members of my field give, suffering will always continue. In an ideal world the therapists would successfully eliminate the pain of this generation, essentially putting themselves out of business, and marvel at the great work they've done. Instead, as I gain more an more knowledge about the human condition and the trials of existence, I realize that the more insight people offer one another, the more questions are likely to arise.
I don't necessarily intend to say that this is good or bad but just that it seems to be a fact of this life on Earth. The constant drive for knowledge, the realization that there is a degree of trivia to the existence we live is probably key in what allows people to truly live in the first place. While we engage in this social dance of rules and regulations and appealing to others- attempting to find love, trying to make an impact on this world that has been here before us and despite humanity's best efforts will likely outlive us- eventually I see myself wanting to wake up from the monotany. I want to enjoy just being rather than being something now so I can be something else later. I strive for authenticity (not in the way it's currently use which implies having a license to be a jerk and not be sorry for it), for the ability to recognize imperfection but marvel in diversity. To love fully even though I know that joy and pain are intertwined. I want to be alive.