Four Year Old & Potty Training

Dec 26, 2015 13:42

My son is four and is nowhere near being "fully" potty trained. He wears underwear 24 hours a day, but will not come to me (or anyone else) and say he has to go potty. We are on a schedule for the most part. If I make him sit on the potty, he will pee, but unless I remember to make him sit, he will hold it until I do or until he pees himself.

We have talked at length about this issue, about telling Mommy and Daddy he has to pee, but he still refuses. The second issue is the poop. We've been "potty training" for well over a year and he has NEVER pooped in the toilet. He has a more or less consistent schedule (pooping about once a day right after lunch). I know this and will make him sit on the toilet after lunch. He's stubborn little behind will hold it for as long as it takes. It never fails, as soon as he gets back into his underwear (and into his room) he poops himself.

I give him privacy (always) when he's in the bathroom. We've read books, watched videos, talked, tried more reward systems than I can count but he still refuses to 1) tell us when has to go (both poop and pee) and 2) poop on the toilet.


EDIT: We already make him clean up his own underwear/mess when he does. We have a sprayer (we used to use cloth diapers) and he cleans up his mess/himself and puts himself in new underwear like it is no big deal. He just doesn't care.
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