BTT: Lending

Feb 03, 2006 00:12

Booking Through Thursday - following regency_cate 's most excellent example of the past few months, I'm stealing this meme :)

This week's questions brought to you by Deb, reader extraordinaire. Thank you, Deb.
  1. Do you lend your books to other people?
    Oh yes, and often :) You can always see what's out of my library on the right-hand side bar right on my LJ, or via LendingThing for my fellow borrowers, else on my PDA.  How else can I politely raid my friends' bookshelves? Besides, would I dream up something like LendingThing if I didn't?
  2. If so, do you get them back?
    Almost always.  Popoli and I have an extremely good record in particular, espeicially for books we don't think we want, and end up returning to each other. There are a few exceptions though: I'm missing 2 of the 3 Old Kingdom Books, and Peter and I are absolutely awful: I essentially stole his copy of the Godfather, and he had my A Game of Thrones hostage for a year. Then again, he's got my loaner set of Patrick O'Brian novels as well - let's hope we gain another convert!
  3. What do you do if they're not returned? Send the police? Stop speaking to the borrower? Storm the house and take them back?
    There has been only 1 book which I've bought again after it went misisng (Sabriel, which looks to be going in for a third round if I don't get it back this year. The box set is quite inexpensive for three books) General harrassment is my usual key. In many cases, however, I'm willing to let a book go for longer if they promise to read and finish it. 


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