Nov 11, 2004 23:45
so im home right now. the usual is goin on: i go to work straight from mt. pleasant, work all nite, get home about 10:45-11:00 and pretty much no one is up. so now i am stuck here bored and alone because everyone is sleeping. what better to do than to write in my livejournal?
on the trip home i passed a truck hauling christmas trees. christmas trees already? honestly whos thinking about buying christmas trees at this time. what about that other holiday, you know, Thanksgiving. but you know then i got into work and it hit me. no christmas music yet, but nothing like a dock that you cannot even walk through, toys, toys, and more toys, and people already christmas shopping. i dont know it just seems super early to me. i mean theres not even any snow yet. how can you think of christmas when there is no snow?
as far as right now, im just sitting here by myself bored. though im watching the pistons, it actually makes me wish i was at school watching the game with the guys. oh well.