(no subject)

Oct 24, 2012 09:41

I'm pretty sure the most interesting thing going on in my life right now is the fact that I've started watching Utena (I am 19 episodes in!) and it's really, really awesome. If, you know, befuddling at times. My reactions are usually WHAT IS HAPPENING, shouting at various characters to stop being dumbasses, observations that various characters are bags of dicks (people in this category: Saionji, Touga, Souji; Akio gets his own special YOU'RE A BOX OF DICKS category because I think he's the box everyone fills their bags from), or observations on how wonderfully healthy (and in sibling cases, not at all incestuous) all the relationships tend to be.

("Big brother complex" my ass.)

I am, however, thoroughly enjoying it. And I'm getting the impression
majesdane is enjoying my reactions, too, although I'm pretty sure (as I mentioned on Twitter) that she's mostly just going OH YOU'RE SO PRECIOUS to herself. I'm pretty okay with that!

Work is very strange lately, but not in a terribly interesting way. We're going through a lot of internal restructuring, which mostly means most of the department is changing seats (although NOT ME HOORAAAAAAAAY) and some of them are also changing buildings. It's a lot quieter in the mornings now; it's kind of weird. Although, on the bright side, I did finally meet someone who's actually in my testing group today (I have been seeing his handwriting/signature for months now -- he does raw material testing on heparin -- but I never actually bumped into him), so that's nice. I complimented him on his handwriting. It's very clear.

(I appreciate people with clear handwriting. I, unfortunately, do not fall into that category most of the time.)

This entry lives both here and at http://tiltingheartand.dreamwidth.org/1093898.html -- comment wherever you like!

real life what?, i don't know what this is, i totally win at life, do you want to be a florist?, soon-to-be-renamed job tag, i speak entirely in parentheses, yes the italics are necessary, have you heard the news?, :o!!!, television television

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