(no subject)

Sep 07, 2012 09:09

My Dragon*Con 2012, in convenient bullet points which I have hidden behind a cut for EVEN MORE convenience.

-- So glad we went with getting in on Thursday, oh my goodness.
-- Nichelle Nichols is one badass old lady, oh my god. Quotes from her panel (which was just an hour of Q&A from the audience) I remember clearly:
--- Nichelle Nichols: ... and this was at a time when we had these things called switchboards. Questioner (probably about 10): What's a switchboard? Nichelle Nichols: Ask your mama.
--- Questioner: When the first season came out, you were in Ebony, and I think you were on the cover. Did that help your career? Nichelle Nichols: I think it helped Ebony.
--- I didn't threaten them; I just mentioned I would go before Congress. And sue them.
-- Also she gave two dudes kisses on the cheek and one of them completely lost his train of thought; it was hilarious. AND SHE SANG.
-- Totally have roommates for next year already~ The situation from this year, which caused me so much agony and stress, ended up working out splendidly, thank goodness.
-- So Voltaire kind of sucks now, huh?
majesdane can pretend not to be a lightweight all she wants, but one of us was walking around drunk for most of Saturday night and one of us was steering her around. Three guesses which was which, and the first two don't count.
-- LeVar Burton: also awesome. (Although disturbingly soft-spoken. Or possibly he was just too far away from the microphone.)
-- So the Laughter in the Graveyard panel had surprise Amber Benson in it ... Turns out she's super-gorgeous in real life. In case anybody was curious. Or unsure. (I thought
majesdane was going to flip when we realized this. -- that she was there, not that she's super-gorgeous.)
-- And I totally met shadowenangel and a bunch of other people I'm going to hunt down (... in a much less creepy way than it sounds ...) as soon as I feel less like shit. And anyway she and all the other people were super-awesome. Obviously.
-- On the bright side, though, the Crüxshadows are just as amazing as I remember, and luckily all of us in the crowd got to be there for Jessica's last show, so hooray! :D
-- I really love that of all the costumes at D*C, the one I saw three really awesome ones of was Baby Doll. (I mean there were lots of lots of costumes, but.)

And also my pictures are over here if anyone is curious. (Also pictured, in addition to random D*C-goers:
skygiants and
genarti, because they're awesome.)

(And, just for the record, I definitely have con crud and feel like shit. I mean I feel better than I did yesterday, but 16 hours of sleep will do that to a person (and now instead of feeling woozy every time I stand up I just can't breathe, instead).

This entry lives both here and at http://tiltingheartand.dreamwidth.org/1093419.html -- comment wherever you like!

dragon*con, at least 'e make it sound like moosic, peekchures, in which conversations are badly retold, i speak entirely in parentheses, augh, hey look my friends are awesome, :o!!!, concert time woo-hoo!, real life what?, i don't know what this is, redshirt genocide ahoy!!!, los liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks!, do you want to be a florist?, eventually i will be well-rested, l) i) s) t) s), yes the italics are necessary, health (or lack thereof)

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