(no subject)

Aug 24, 2012 10:28

I post rarely these days ("these days," as though that's any kind of change) mostly because my life is simultaneously incredibly ridiculous and really, really boring. But, anyway, a list of relevant things, because I keep composing posts in my head and this way some of it will leave.

s) One of the second-shift guys at work -- so I see him for like an hour and a half a day -- calls me "Beej" now. As in "Hey Beej!" It's lasted longer than I expected. (The reasons for this are: a) my coworker Tori and are often referred to as partners in crime (this is part of why another coworker's wife thinks I'm married to
majesdane); b) Tori recently changed her nametag so now it looks like this. I asked second-shift guy if that made me Trapper or BJ and it actually took him longer than I expected to answer. Mostly because he seemed to be giving it genuine thought.)

p) My mother has been bribing me to clean my room (okay, to be fair, it hasn't been cleaned since I came home from WPI, which was two years ago in May) by telling me that if it's all clean she will paint while I'm gone. So I think I've actually settled on a (ridiculously-named) color and everything. And it's like half-clean in there? More progress than I was expecting anyway.

d) I keep forgetting I'm going to Dragon*Con and then remembering and thinking !!!!!DRAGON*CON!!!!! Apparently I am internalizing this well.

f) I'm super-excited anyway.

g) Does anybody who's going this year want to bump into each other at some point? (Other than you,
majesdane, because I plan on bumping into you intentionally. And often.)

This entry lives both here and at http://tiltingheartand.dreamwidth.org/1092846.html -- comment wherever you like!

real life what?, dragon*con, i don't know what this is, do you want to be a florist?, i think we've made a major breakthrough, l) i) s) t) s), soon-to-be-renamed job tag, facepalm to the power of infinity, in which conversations are badly retold, i speak entirely in parentheses, :o!!!, finest kind

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