Christmas gifts!

Dec 25, 2007 17:17

Because I am not only on hiatus but have a cold, please assume all gifting happened off-screen, or poke me if you'd like to play it out at some point! If you're not on the list and are friendly with the Hero, chances are, you got SPEECHED AT in the name of PEACE, GOODWILL AND JUSTICE.

-Aang: One very large fruit pie and a list of various ways Rosalyn has applied ice in combat situations, for his future reference.

-Aerrow: A copy of "Helpful Hints for Heroes", containing chapters on proper etiquette when facing your arch-nemesis, how to graciously accept gifts from grateful townsfolk, and what to do when a damsel in distress wishes to thank her rescuer with a kiss and you're out of Heroic Breathmints.

-Ami: An essay on Heroic Relaxation: How to kick butt and kick back at the same time!

-Anita: Pink flannel pajamas and matching slippers.

-Ari: A scarf and hat to match his headband, and a very long motivational speech, in letter form.

-Bulma: A red silk robe and matching slippers.

-Brock: A blue sweater and a copy of "Heroic Childrearing: Raising your Progeny on the Path of Justice".

-Fuuko: Burned, Frozen and Glaring Bottles, and an essay on Effectively Composing Heroic Speeches.

-Hellboy: A copy of "More Helpful Hints for Heroes", featuring how to get out of such situations as preserving one's modesty in the event their pants have split while they're fighting off a horde of monsters.

-Imoen: One very large fluffy pink sweater.

-Jak: An exceptionally long essay on the proper application of the Heroic Pose.

-Kabuto: A very heartfelt, speechy, thank-you letter.

-Katara: The same list of ice battle techniques and dark blue flannel pajamas.

-Kidoumaru: A copy of "The Life and Times of The Great Hero Hopkins" and three pairs of matching legwarmers.

-Kisling: Rosalyn's notes on her interactions with actual ghosts in camp, and a copy of her maps to some of the zombie hotspots in the woods and swamp.

-Kon: A collection of shorter versions of her essays on the Heroic Pose, Beautiful Correction as well as a play-by-play of her battle with the Vampire Evil King, just in case Sucky Bats turn up in Sunnydale someday.

-Mac: A wooden sword, with which to fight for justice!

-Momoko: The collection of Raging Demonic Lust and You magazines she got from Joshua, and a pair of pink sparkly mittens.

-Sakon&Ukon: A coupon inscribed with "this coupon is redeemable for one instance when the bearer wishes to escape my Heroic Wrath". The fine print specifies that the coupon is not valid when said Heroic Wrath is the result of homicide, unless the victim was a purely evil evil being and said homicide was in the interests of preserving the greater good. And two sweaters in salmon.

-Shuichi: A copy of "Heroic Ballads: Upholding Justice Through Song", and a pair of fluffy yellow socks.

-Sokka: A very long essay on swordfighting and a motivational speech. Also, a hat so the sides of his head don't freeze.

-Tayuya: A headbelt in her size, a fine gold chain to put her ring on while ninja-ing and a red sweater with a matching pair of (fingerless) gloves.

-Tedddy: A very, very, very large green sweater to be opened in private. Because even big, green and hulky superheroes need to keep warm.

-Thor: The unabridged collection of all her Heroic Essays, in their full speechy glory.

-Toph: A WARM PAIR OF BOOTS...with the soles removed.

-Usagi: A sparkly pink sweater and hat-with-a-pompom, and an essay on the Beautiful Correction of one's adversaries.

-Vimes: A shorter essay on the application of the Heroic Pose, as well as a copy of "Heroic Ballads: Upholding Justice Through Song".


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