Aug 30, 2007 12:33
My - it's been a while since I used this... life must either be really dull ... or too damn exciting!
I'll start with the puerile... and the reason for the excruciatingly bad pun in the subject... I have been playing tennis on the Wii... and have managed to get my skill level up to about 1800. I am now almost constantly playing the same two computer opponents... one with a skill level of 2000 and the other 1900.
If I win a single game I get can get anything from no points (!) to about 30. The closer the game - the fewer the points. I was a little shocked to loose points after a particularly close 5 game match where I won! If I'm playing someone with a higher skill level than me and I win - I should get points damnit! I don't care how bloody close it is!
Yeah - dull is probably closer to the mark. Not that I'm complaining - I've had my fill of excitement this year. Sometimes dull is the preferred option.
It does mean I have had a bit of time to think about life. I have come to the conclusion that I'm a bitter old man. I was always an old man, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to see the silver linings... just the black clouds. I have pretty low expectations of people (that's people in general, not any one specific, and especially not anyone who reads here), and yet they find new ways to surprise me by how inconsiderate they are. TV annoys me - even the most intriguing subjects are dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator - the press depress me with their inane and completely biased rantings - the "letters" pages are full of idiots spouting off about subjects they obviously know nothing about.
Humanity disgusts me. - I am ashamed to be breathing the same air as most of the mindless morons around me.
I have withdrawn into a self made cocoon of gaming, family, books and music... but this is a lonely existence - I need something more... but going out to find it seems like such a daunting task I can't bring myself to do it.
I spend far to much time living in the past. The past is a comfortable place - the future looks cold and uninviting.
I listen to far too much depressing music. To paraphrase Nick Hornby - Am I depressed because I listen to all this depressing music, or do I listen to this depressing music because I am depressed? Chicken or Egg.
So... that's why I haven't been updating recently... in an egg shell.