It's worse than that - he's dead gym

Oct 27, 2006 13:25

I went back to the gym.  I wasn't feeling particularly stiff or sore from Monday so I decided to up the ante a little.  I also had my iPod with me which made the experience that much more enjoyable.  There was a slight problem with this - I'll get into that in a bit.

I started on the bike again - I find cycling easy and mindless.  I think it's a good gentle warm up for me.  15 minutes at "Level 12" certainly warmed me up - but I was not badly out of breath and afterwards I could walk to the treadmills without problem.  After a minute to compose myself I set the treadmill for a fast walk up a slight incline.  A couple of really good songs came up and I marched 2km in 20 minutes whilst climbing nearly 60 meters.  I'll have to find the machine that is calibrated in miles and feet because I have trouble doing that sort of math in my head.

I was still feeling quite good so rather than destroy my buzz on the bastard rowing machine I went straight to the cross trainer and "cross-trained" (?) for 10 minutes. I still haven't quite worked out a knack for that machine.  I'll be getting into a rhythm then it'll throw me and I feel like I'm going to fall off... but I'll give it some time before I give up on it completely.  I had completed my planned 45 minutes "cardio" workout and I wasn't even close to puking... I wasn't quite beetroot red either... more a boiled lobster red.  That's better isn't it?

Another machine that has given me trouble in the past is the "stair master"  That was obviously a long time ago so I though - what the hell - let's try it out and see.  15 minutes later *I* was the master!  I had climbed the equivalent of about 50 floors and my legs were really starting to feel it... enough with the cardio I figured.

For the last 15 or so minutes I "played" with some of the weights machines... leaving my legs out as they were definitely not up for any more punishment... I did a few reps of bugger all weight of a whole bunch of machines just to try them out really.

This morning I felt fine!  perhaps it's just a little psychological - but I really feel better.

My only problem with the night was inappropriate music popping into the play list.  I really need to devise a couple of workout play lists.  I know some of you work out listening to music - what would you suggest?

My caveats would be:
Rap, Boy Bands, Girl Bands, "Karaoke" singers, Country or Western - NO
Pretty much anything else goes.

Now I know there are exceptions to the above - there are a lot of damn good artists who have no band and therefore fall into the category of "karaoke" singer - but better safe than sorry! :)

So please - tell me the music you would have me listen to while I'm dying...


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