Amnesty Day

May 01, 2009 14:53

A lot is going on in my heart when it comes to the N3 fandom, so I'm sorry, but... Just like I did with the N3 communities, today I'm going to defriend a few people I haven't been talking to for a long time, some who haven't posted in weeks (even months) and some authors I want to follow through the tracking system.

You can defriend me if you want to, whenever you want and whatever the reasons are. No hard feelings.

- PW.

PS: Done. If you feel I've defriended you by mistake, please let me know. Thank you.

EDIT: I'm not leaving the fandom and I wouldn't stop writing, no matter what. I think I didn't express myself well, sorry about that. Nothing has happened out there. There have been no fights, no one has hurt me.

I'm just defriending some people, not because I don't like them anymore but because maybe we don't really share any interests or because I can simply track their journals. There have been things bothering me lately about fandom, things that are no one's fault and that I have to learn to live with. I obsess over things very easily. Thank you.

lj, numb3rs fandom

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