This is a montly reminder of what I've written because no matter what anyone says, I'm proud of it.
Long Series/'verse
Iridescence (main characters, PG-13)
Dusty Light (Colby, PG) Enigma (Robin, PG) Yellow Lemon Trees (Megan, PG-13) Equilibrium Woods (Ian, PG) Unpacked (Nikki, PG-13) Ultramarine (Don, PG) Stand Alones
Clean (Don, mention of Crystal Hoyle and Ian, ?, PG-13) and
Clean and Unclean (Don, Megan, Crystal Hoyle, Buck Winters, Ian, R) Outsider (Don/Robin, R) Zero Odds (Charlie/David, PG-13 - mpreg) Mark Collectors (Colby/Ian, NC-17) Single Drabbles
Greedy (David/Liz, R) Behind the Door (Ian, Buck Winters, Don, PG-13) Love Bless the Sinner (Liz/David, PG-13) Icons
110 Numb3rs Icons Flashpoint (shiny new fandom)
Single Drabbles - 500 words or less
Dreamer (Ed, PG) Pronto! (Spike, OFC, PG) The Excitement of Friendship (Sam/Jules, PG-13) Scorpio Lady (Ed/Sam, Spike/OFC, Wordy, Lou, PG-13) Living with Ghosts (Greg, Ed, PG) Bones (shiny new fandom)
Stand Alones
Fade Away (Hodgins/Angela, Hodgins/OFC, PG-13) January 2009 Word Count - 25,165
February 2009 Word Count - 23,184
March 2009 Word Count - 24,529
April 2009 Word Count - 12,148
2009 Word Count - 85,026
Note: So I have 2 new fandoms and now I'm a co-mod of a Flashpoint drabble community,
flashpoint_sru. A lot of things have changed this month so that I have more options and I think it's for the best, whatever that means. Also, I've written lots of short stories so this month my word count kind of sucks, but hey, at least I tried. Not that anyone minds, LOL.