Taken from my lovely
silveryxdark 1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favourite character/member from each item.
3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.
1. Alice Nine - TORA -
silveryxdark2. vistlip - UMI -
silveryxdark3. xTRiPx - ENA -
angelicoma4. DOG in the PARALLEL WORLD ORCHESTRA (goddamn, why your name so long?!) - MIZUKI -
silveryxdark5. Hime Ichigo (so they're disbanded, i loved them) - REINA -
angelicoma 6. ViViD - RENO -
angelicoma7. Lolita23q - RYOUSUKE -
angelicoma8. SuG - CHIYU -
angelicoma9. Screw - KAZUKI -
silveryxdark10. Mannequin - KAZUMA -
angelicoma11. KATTUN - UEDA -
angelicoma12. NEWs - KOYAMA -
merii_hydeist13. ARASHI - AIBA -
merii_hydeist14. SHINee - JONGHYUN -
silveryxdark15. Super Junior - HANGENG / HANKYUNG -
jukkavourimihen16. Final Fantasy VII (video game) - SEPHIROTH -
angelicoma17. Final Fantasy VIII (video game) - IRVINE -
angelicoma18. The Graveyard Book (book)
19. Sandman series by Neil Gaiman (book)
20. Battle Royale (manga/film) - KIRIYAMA -
angelicoma **it's supposed to be 20 bands, 20 books or whatever. but im too lazy and has blanked out, so ill let that be.
I cant believe ive been meme-ing a lot lately. XD