
Dec 22, 2007 15:58

Title: Angel [1/2]
Fandom: Whose Line UK
Pairing: Tony/Paul
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Christmas, Tony's alone, but there's a new arrival to the Whose Line studio. The Christmas Special that never was.
Disclaimer: I don't own Tony, Paul of any of the Whose Liners [sadly D:] But I do love them so. This is in no way what actually happened to Tony, theese are only my views and things that have happened to me in the past.

It was Christmas, a time which everyone loved. Everyone except Tony that was. The holiday season had never really struck him as something to bother about. It was all just an excuse to get pissed and end up watching re-runs of movies that he’d seen several hundred times. Being the Christmas special, Tony wouldn’t give any of this away, as there’d be the other contestant's would-be sympathy questions:

‘Do you want to come to my house for Christmas if you’re alone?’
‘Aw, poor you, we should meet up over the break, right?’

People’s charity was degrading. It was as if he was some sort of child lost in the snow and needed a home to stay in. He had himself, wasn’t that enough? Again, all Tony wanted was a quiet Christmas away from work, away from everyone else that he knew. It had been a hard year for him; yet again pulling away from everyone he loved. He didn’t even believe it to be his fault; it was everyone else’s for being so difficult. Even the other day, he’d picked a fight with Ryan for no reason what-so-ever; as a matter of fact, for just looking at him in a funny way.

Tony was beginning to become paranoid, suspecting every one of the other contestants to be plotting against him. He told himself it couldn’t be true, they couldn’t do this to him, but they had all been leaving him, pushing him towards the edge. Whilst filming, Tony would have to sit apart from everyone else, his chair a few inches further away from the adjacent contestant than anyone else’s; and he didn’t like it. He couldn’t feel the buzz of being in front of a camera anymore, it had gone, it had died when his state of mind had died and he didn’t think it would ever come back.

The dressing room that Tony adored so much was his cubby-hole; his little den. Before and after filming- and sometimes during- he’d hide in there from the other contestants, making sure that they didn’t see what a git he was becoming. He couldn’t help it, there was something eating away inside of him, and he had to pick fights with anyone he saw. Even Greg, who had tried so hard, had left him. He hadn’t been on the show for a few weeks after their fight outside of a bar, which he had taken Tony to and which had ended in a punch-up after too many drinks being downed from both of them. Tony hated himself, quite frankly. He couldn’t stand himself and the fact that so many people hated him. During the games, if he was partnered with any regulars they would give him the cold shoulder, only doing what Clive had told them to do, nothing else in between, ignoring him at all other times.

But it was the Christmas Special that changed everything. Tony had decided that in this one- as it was the last recording that year- he would stand out with all of the other contestants and try to blend in again. His eye was still black from the weeks previous with Greg, but he still tried to act as if nothing had happened. He tried to edge into a conversation between Colin and Josie.

“So, are you sure he isn’t coming? I thought that he could get a flight over?”

“No can-do,” Colin shrugged, not noticing Tony creeping over from behind him. “He’s not here; it just isn’t possible for him to get over in time. Anyway,” he shrugged again. “If he did get over here in time, he’ll be totally jet-lagged. There’d be no way he could come on here.”

“Who’s this then?” Tony asked perkily, removing any other thoughts from his mind than wanting to know the answer to the question. All he got was a blank stare from Josie. Colin had already left without Tony noticing, even thought he was right under his nose. He tried a smile at Josie, and she too left him alone. Sighing and thrusting his hands deep into his pockets, Tony tried asking Clive. Clive had never really had a problem with Tony as he rarely talked to the contestants pre-recording. Tony tapped him on the shoulder, and breathed into Clive’s ear:

“Who’s not here then?” Clive winced, feeling Tony’s warm breath in his ear and spun on the spot, not realising how close Tony actually was. They touched noses for a second, before Clive stepped back. He pressed his suit down where Tony had grabbed it and replied:

“Ryan’s not here. He can’t get a flight back in time. Tony I suggest you go and talk with the other contestants, we’ve got a hard job trying to find a replacement for him.” Clive turned back to the cameramen again, forcibly ignoring any conversation that Tony might start up.

It is true then. Tony thought to himself, wandering over to the back wall and propping himself up against it. There’s nothing I can do to make it up. They really do hate me.
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