(no subject)

Dec 19, 2007 17:30

 I never want to write again. After just reading 
ms_shalimar's Tony/Greg fic [YES A-BLOODY-NOTHER ONE! KEEP 'EM COMING IS WHAT I SAY!] I officially realise that I never want to write again. She's too bloody good, she makes me want to go dunk my head in a bucket of slashy-goodness water and drown! D< Damn her lol, but I love her fics so much, they're like a bloody drug!

Anyway, here's some un-intentional half Ryan/Tony-but not really in the sense you're thinking, fic. It's sorta... my original thing called Bermuda, but Lord Rapier's Tony and Ry's Boston [naw]

Okay... enjoy:

He watched them flitting about on the streets. They looked just like ants, and just like ants they could be squashed with the smallest amount of pressure. A small smile erupted from the figure’s lips; he was cruel, he knew it, but in the job he had one had to be cruel. Being so high up helped also, he could see for miles, see the land which he was once a citizen of. A door opened from somewhere behind him and a young centaur entered the large study.

“Sir, the preparations are complete, have you readied yourself?”

“Yes.” He was not amused by these fun and games, all these questions; he wanted everything dusted over, and quickly.

“Good, sir!” The young centaur was excited, stamping his back hooves into the carpet. “I cannot wait for the Project Helios to get off the ground.”

“Yes-” The figure by the window replied, hardly paying attention.

“Oh sir, I can’t wait for you to get going, I know you’ll do a great job!” The centaur was beginning to get on his nerves. His high pitched American tone was drilling through his skull, and he had to silence him somehow. Whipping around, the figure grabbed the chair and snarled at the centaur.

“Firstly, my name is not ‘sir’ it has never been and never will be. Call me master, call me by my real name, I don’t care. Just not that.”

“Fine. Lord Rapier.” The centaur replied to the outburst, bowing so low that his face brushed along his front hoof.

“Good.” Lord Rapier replied, his dark forelocks hanging in front of his eyes, beginning to mesmerizing the young centaur into a slumber. “Now, secondly, I do not care for Project Helios, Boston. I never have done, nor never will. Please do not pity me with such bravery as that. I do not need you luck, I have my own. The world is made of luck and if I take yours from you, you will wither and perish. You are a delightful servant to me; I would not want that.”

Rapier turned to the window again, coiling his ring ever tighter around his finger, the cravat sitting neatly upon his chest, the tailed coat which ran down the length of his back and touched the back of his calves. He was a true Lord; hard work and brutal honesty had dragged him to the top, but he had fallen, was wounded and now he could not regain consciousness. The truth of the matter was that Rapier was in so much debt that he had sold himself to the government. They were cruel beasts who demanded taxes from everyone; who only continued in order to scare people into working. No one knew it, but Rapier was scared; he was scared for his life. His young daughter, only eight, would wonder why her father did such cruel things- but she wouldn’t have to wonder any longer. Project Helios was the last thing that Rapier would have to do, then he was a free man. The debts would be repaid and he could live in peace.

“Lord Rapier, I am grateful to you for this position as your man servant,” the young centaur piped up to extinguish the silence between them. “I will do all I can to help you in this project, I know it is for your daughter.” The final word sent shivers up Rapier’s spine. How did he know about the troubles he had been in? In a spurt of anger, Rapier leapt across the desk, grabbing the centaur by the neck and dropping him to the floor.

“Speak centaur, how do you know of the fate of my child?”

“I should not say, it is not my place-” Boston replied, his face a picture of fear. “I heard it, it is only gossip, I did not realise the truth in the words.” Rapier pulled a small dagger out of one of the blazers many pockets and pressed it to Boston’s throat.

“Do you speak the truth? Don’t dare lie to me, Boston, you know what would happen if you did.”

“I speak the truth, I heard it through meaningless gossip, I didn’t think it was my place to tell you who spoke it.” Boston had always been frightened of Lord Rapier’s brute strength. It was strange for a human, especially one so small. “I wish no harm upon you or your daughter; I was just merely speaking the truth.”

“Boston.” Rapier replied, thinking it to be enough. He released his grip on the centaur’s throat, got to his feet and slipped the dagger into its’ snug inside pocket again. “I daren’t say you would lie to me. I’ll give you another chance.” He smiled, a warm, gentle smile not known to the centaur. Not knowing what to do, he quickly trotted out, not chancing another look back.

“Yes.” Rapier told himself, unhinging a gun from the holster attached to the back of his trousers. “Another chance.”
Crit please guys :)

greg proops, tony/greg, fic, tony slattery, ms_shalimar, dammit

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