Apr 13, 2010 20:07
I'm in Budapest and have finished my 2nd day of the CELTA course. Its very intensive - we actually taught our first lessons today! It was nervewracking enough having been teaching for over a year, I don't know how the people who have never taught before coped! I got really positive feedback though and Mike (my tutor) said I seemed very confident. Everyone on the course (there are 18 of us) seema really nice so far and we're planning a party at Marcus' flat on Friday night as I'm sure we'll all need to let off some steam!
I seem to have lucked out with my apartment as I'm only 10 minutes walk (or 2 minutes by tram) away from the school while everyone else seems to be scattered across the city!
I flew over on Thursday along with Estelle so I could fit in some sightseeing before the course started. We wandered all round the city and the areas along the Danube are very pretty with some gorgeous views from the top of the castle hill.
Have to start on my lesson plan for my next lesson now, so better get to it!