Title: Perfect
villanelle_koiPairing: Zexion/Demyx
Prompt: Fuck
Rating: PG (one little swear word)
A/N: And heeeeeeeere is the first installment of my
pyramid_dares claim. Yes, it's Zemyx. Yes, again. Shut up. Anyway, this little drabble popped into my head almost the instant I read the prompt. After this it's on to level 2 - hooray! ♥ Enjoy, everybody~ Will be crossposted tomorrow~
Zexion was always calm, collected, always ever so sophisticated. Demyx found it alluring and intimidating all at once.
Axel liked to tease him about it a lot. Axel liked to tease him period, actually; he was pretty good at it. Demyx tried not to pay much attention to it. But it was rather difficult when being around Zexion was awkward enough in and of itself; Axel's little remarks only worsened his blushing and stammering.
Despite that, though, Demyx found that it was rather nice to be in Zexion's company. He wasn't quite kind, but he was mild-mannered. Polite. He could be standoffish at times - often he seemed distracted, probably with whatever he researched in the labs, down in the lower levels - but he was pleasant-tempered when Demyx had his full attention. He'd even complimented the sitarist on his music, once or twice. And his voice! It was almost musical, Demyx would think sometimes. Always flowing, stringing together only the loveliest words.
Demyx thought Zexion was perfect. And because of that, he knew he'd never have a chance.
Of course, that was before the night he and Zexion were on kitchen duty and his hand had accidentally brushed the schemer's. He hadn't known a word as crass as "Fuck!" could pass Zexion's lips. Nor that he could turn that shade of pretty princess pink.
Well . . . . huh.