(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 21:05

Who: Nanaki, The Don and a cameo by Cait if that is okay with the mods? I'll slot it into the replies with the Don.
When: Day 52 are we? At the heat of midday.
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Rating: PG-13? R? - with the Don it's probably nearly always going to be either of these... bad language anyhoo.
Summary: Having returned from the lifestream the Don finds himself in hippy central Cosmo Canyon. 'Reincarnation' with no chance of ya former life is a real fuckin' pain in the now very sweaty ass...

It was hot. Hotter than the Don could remember Gaia being, and he had lost - he would swear on his momma's grave - a ton of weight sweating buckets from heat and of course (he would never admit it) fear, last he could remember. That was Wutai though and this was Cosmo Canyon, the red earth hazing in ripples into the distance and traveling up scars of rock tissue making everything seem fluid and what's that word? Surreal. Just like Scotch used to jabber about. Yeah, surreal.

Yet by Shiva's shapely and cold ass - which would really just hit the spot right now. Unf. - the Don couldn't remember things ever being this damn hot...

But then, he couldn't remember much past his last clutching, shit-ya-pants gaze up into bladed aquamarine eyes. And just what sorta bastard has eyes that colour and flaming red hair?! One of them at least had to be false... FLAMING IS RIGHT! Fucking faggot, dye or lenses were for pussies... not like a real man! That's right. Unless you were after an ass-pummeling no self-respecting fucking MAN would do cosmetics!

Now his partner, and shit, this thought was getting worse - damn cocksucking Turks - his partner... well he looked like a real man, that guy could have been an asset to the famiglia if he weren't too busy leashed to Shinra and quite probably after...

NO. The Don would never even go there in thought.

Gods - and the Don truly is a god-fearing man - it really was hot! His feet trudged through the dirt, brain trying to make sense of the situation; fuddling like he'd just woken up from a night of drink and women. The pains and dry as a cactuar's root mouth was about right, so why could he not remember the good times?!

There was that sense of detachment, that surreality again. He had come to, arid as a fucking bone, head pounding and a morning wood so strong the Don thought he'd explode from lack of pussy until he'd realised the truth like some goddamn revelation and relieved himself against a rock. That and the vomit. Hoohah! That acidic bile should have damaged the eco-system. Suck on that hippies!

Still he trudged onwards, the shacks on high upon the latest gash of soil his initial destination. For after that he needed to get back to Midgar, to his boys, to a drink of cognac and a cigar and a woman. Not necessarily in that order and more than likely all at once. Perhaps two young ones. Oh yeahhh~

Mind wandering Don Corneo finally made his sweaty way up the side of Cosmo Canyon village and stopped at the final steps where he was unceremoniously BLOCKED. Motherfu- Rage born of frustration boiled under the heat, and nobody messes with the King of Sector Six!!

"Now listen here ya fuckin' star gazin' bastard! I have a mouth as dry as this..." and with that he kicked some soil at the guardian "...damn earth, I dunno why the hell I've turned up in this godforsaken shithole but I need ta get back to Midgar. An' that means pronto! Ya backtalkin' to DON CORNEO? Get..." A wave, flinging around of fingers and the sun glinted off of jewels "...whoever is in charge of this hellhole! Tell him the Don is here..." for there really was nothing in the Don's mind that allowed for a female leader, girlies are only good for a few things and most of them are different sexual positions! "...An' I need a drink. And a woman. FFFFFFFF... and not a hairy gaia-mother either!"
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