This is a really cool meme and I apped a lot more than I thought, so I am doing this, damn it! Code was originally from
mackzazzle and you can find it
here Ryoji Mochizuki from "Persona 3" (
App Percentage:
72%Played From: October 2008 to December 2008
That's How Long? Two months!
Total Comments: 500ish
Reason For Dropping: He was my first character at CFUD and I was scared shitless of playing him and constantly worrying about being horrible and tagging people and jumping people and EVERYTHING!! Once I apped Anastasia and noticed how more comfortable I was with her, I was like, dude you're going.
Select Option 3? EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS EMBARRASSING OH MAN. Also I used the same journal on another game so I don't remember the exact amount of comments at CFUD, but eeeh...
Hizumi Mizushiro from "Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna" (
App Percentage:
96.3%Played From: June 2009 to August 2009
That's How Long? Two months
Total Comments: 176
Reason For Dropping: I had lots of troubles adjusting him to Camp life, especially without an Ayumu around. Being Ayumuless made him a sad puppy and I couldn't figure what to do with him.
Select Option 3? Back in the day, I apped him because I wanted to do icons of him. I think he was doomed from the start . . .
Switzerland from "Axis Powers Hetalia" (
App Percentage:
92.3%Played From: January 2009 to January 2010
That's How Long? One year
Total Comments: 1388
Reason For Dropping: Switzerland being Switzerland, I had big troubles threading with people in general, especially those outside canon. I remember I often struggled to make him reply on threads that had like, 5 comments.
Select Option 3? I still love the AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND HAVE ELOPED! drop notice.
Jacqli from "Ar Tonelico" (
App Percentage:
91.1%Played From: April 2009 to November 2009
That's How Long? Six months
Total Comments: 780
Reason For Dropping: I wanted to app Shurelia and knew I wouldn't be able to playercest. You can see how well that went.
Select Option 3? NEVER DROP SOMEONE YOU KNOW YOU LOVE PLAYING TO APP SOMEONE ELSE. Especially if you actually end up not apping.
Anastasia Romanov from "Shadow Hearts: Covenant" (
App Percentage:
95.8%Played From: December 2008 to April 2010
That's How Long? One year and 4 months
Total Comments: 2736
Reason For Dropping: I was about to go away for a job that was going to make me more or less internetless for 3 months. At the time, I had five characters and didn't want to hog on ALL of them for a three months long hiatus- I thought it was unfair. Everyone else in her cast dropped as well, so I decided she should have been one of the ones to go.
Select Option 3? Anastasia will forever have a special spot in my heart. She may not have been the first character I apped at CFUD, but she was the firt one I really played and I had so much fun with her. The SH cast was wonderful, I loved all the threads with Yuri and Nicolai, and then America, Russia, Liet... I have many many memories of her. I wouldn't reapp her, I'm happy with how things went with her, but yeah... She has the special "first character spot" of my heart.
Black*Star from "Soul Eater" (
App Percentage:
100%Played From: February 2009 to April 2010
That's How Long? One year and two months
Total Comments: 1257
Reason For Dropping: Same with Anastasia, minus the cast stuff. Dropping him was incredibly hard for me, but I decided at the time, I wanted to give a chance to my newest characters (Kay and Xion)
Select Option 3? I think he would have survived my playing mood from when I came back from my hiatus, so in hindsight, I know I should have kept him. I toyed with the idea of reapping him a bunch of times, but in the end I decided I'm not going to. SE is a canon I love but Black*Star had his run. Also his app is by far the one I like less (save from Ryoji's, but I don't talk about that), and yet it's the one I got the highest percentage on. Fun!
Rolo Lamperouge from "Code Geass: R2" (
App Percentage:
93.9%Played From: September 2009 to April 2010
That's How Long? Seven months
Total Comments: 662
Reason For Dropping: Same as Anastasia and Black*Star with a twist: I had some troubles with him already so he was probably going to go in any case.
Select Option 3? Every time Cornelia posts that cast picture in the app date announcement post I sadface and feel guilty
Kay Faraday from "Ace Attorney: Investigations" (
App Percentage:
98.3%Played From: March 2010 to I DON'T REMEMBER I CAN'T FIND THE DROP POST
That's How Long? I DON'T KNOW
Total Comments: 172
Reason For Dropping: When I came back from my 3 months hiatus, I didn't feel like playing her anymore. When Juri told me she was thinking of dropping Edgeworth I decided to go along with her. A GOOD ASSISTANT FOLLOWS EVERYWHERE MAN.
Select Option 3? I didn't originally plan to app her, then Juri apped Edgeworth and was like "You should app Kay" and I was like "k". And so I apped her.
Xion from "Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days" (
App Percentage:
71.4%Played From: October 2009 to November 2010
That's How Long? One year and one month, but really, take off three months of Hiatus out of it
Total Comments: 773
Reason For Dropping: I felt so out of the loop after coming back from my hiatus! It was hard for me to get her voice back, it was hard to thread with castmates, and I just couldn't give her the attention she deserved. I am still really sad over dropping her, but I never want to sit on characters and since my being afraid to suck too much with her was making it hard for me to play... :( The cast deserved better and I really wanted them to get a new chance. I'm still hoping someone will reapp her.
Select Option 3? I feel horrible for adding sadness points to Roxas, his life is sad enough already.
Yui from "Angel Beats!" (
App Percentage:
96.3%Played From: September 2010 to now
That's How Long? Four months
Total Comments: 1513
Reason For Apping: Otonashi was like APP YUI!! and I wanted to ninja Hinata
Select Option 3? I need to do more stuff with her now that I'm not so busy anymore! Also my cast is wonderful and amazing and I love everyone
Sieg from "Suikoden Tierkreis" (
App Percentage:
88.1%Played From: October 2010 to now
That's How Long? Three months
Total Comments: 451
Select Option 3? I started his app when I was working in Sardinia, on my lunch-break when I was sadfacing because I missed time to do ANY OF THE SHIT I LIKE TO DO. It made me happy to spend like 10 minutes doing something I liked, so I see writing his app as like, one of the most touching moments of my summer. . . which is sad. Unfortunately it was only the canon section and so when I decided to actually really app him it was 3 A.M. and had to whine at the whole AB! cast to beta me.
Jacqli from "Ar Tonelico" (
App Percentage:
95.7%Played From: October 2010 to now
That's How Long? Two months
Total Comments: 137
Reason For Apping: I originally wanted to app Croix, but then decided to reapp Jacqli for several reasons. I dropped her on a whim in any case, so it's not like I didn't know I would have enjoyed playing her again.
Select Option 3? The reason I basically went with the same idea of my first app for the second one was because my brain was so dead when I wrote her app that I really couldn't think of anything else. I had been awake for 29 hours just before a 3 hours nap from which I awoke just to write her app, so you can guess how dead I was. I'm surprised it went well!
Crow from "Fragile Dreams: Farewell ruins of the Moon" (
App Percentage:
76.6%Played From: December 2010 to now
That's How Long? A GRAND TOTAL OF 6 DAYS
Total Comments: 93
Reason For Apping: I needed a jerk in my lineup, and Crow is adorable in his own way. Also topping Deji and Kai was amazing and I am so in love with our adorable apocalypse threesome.
Select Option 3? Crow is amazingly fun to play. So far he only threaded with Seto, Ren and Elliot and I loved all those threads.
I've played here HOW long? 805 days (2 years, 2 months, 14 days)
Overall Comment Count: 10,638
Shortest Kept: Hizumi
Longest Kept: Anastasia
Most Played: Anastasia (2736 comments)
Least Played: Kay (172 comments)
Highest Percentage: Black*Star (100%)
Lowest Percentage: Xion (72%)
I'm not a spammer, I've never been and I never will be! I play at my own pace and one of the reasons I love CFUD is that I can be comfortable with doing it without stressing about keeping up with everything.