Apr 10, 2008 13:00
Oh good god I hate hospitals. I spent yesterday in one, being re-hydrated. I was up all Tuesday night chucking - I couldn't keep WATER down! - then got the squirts in the early morning. My uncle came round to bring me maxalon and powerade, and apparently when I let him in I collapsed. He rang the ambos and they took me to Box Hill hospital cos my blood pressure was way low. God, I slept pretty much all day and had 2 litres of fluid IV'd into me after waiting for hours in an isolation room. But I didn't have a room for hours either and they wouldn't let me use the toilet cos of the gastro, so I had to poo into a pan in a hallway!!!! JESUS CHRIST was so embarrassing. And when the nurse put the bung (bong? the thing in your arm) in, it bled everywhere and was really scary. But when I was in the isolation room I had a toilet for a while at least, but then they moved me to another room with no toilet, but a COMMODE. A FUCKING COMMODE WHEN YOU HAVE THE SHITS IS SO EMBARRASSING. And they think nothing of walking in on you while you're still pooing, then making a big show of spraying air freshener everywhere. WELL SOR-RY, YOUR MAJESTIES, LET ME USE THE DUNNY NEXT TIME AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH IT!!!!
Still got the squirts but at least am not chucking anymore. Worst timing for it too, it was my day off from placement yesterday and had to spend it in hospital. AND had to take the day off placement today, so I have to do an extra day. Fucken.