Wow, LJ...what a concept O_O

May 04, 2009 22:24

It's been like forever since I logged into this thing, I actually almost forgot that it existed!  I'm not even kidding, lol...

Kelly reminded me that there is an LJ so I decided to take a break from bloodsucking, and egg finding, and farming, and trading celebrities, and all those other random time killing activities that the wonderful, lifesucking, world of facebook has to offer.

Which reminds me, Kel, I found a really cool egg today, go check my pets to see it, though I am sure it's probably one you already have, xD

Hmm...What else is new that you all probably don't know (unless you read about it on facebook of course) Oh the house!  Yes, Andy and I became home owners about a month ago, and it's AWESOME!  I love love love it!

I am still nannying 3 days a week, and still living in New Hampshire, so not much else has changed.  Oh I have 2 new kitties , well they are a year old now but I never wrote about them here, and they are my wittle babies!!! <3333

Ok that's all for now, maybe I will actually try to stick around this time...  :D
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