Jul 06, 2009 08:57
So, my week ended on a much more pleasant note than it started on. Which probably didn't take much, but hell. It made ME happy.
First, I broke up with my boyfriend, broke his heart on accident, and pretty much made the first few days of the week utter suckage. I had my reasons, and they were good ones, too.
Then, I had my job at the Fireworks stand. Yes, I'm legally allowed to sell people explosives. Just no firecrackers, bottle rockets, M80s, or bees, since those are illegal. And, yeah, my job pays pretty darned well. Plus, I got to work with Caitlin, which made for some ultimate lawls while we worked. She even brought her Blackberry with her to work, so, whenever we had a spare moment, we watched YouTube on it (her dad pays for the Internet, which is also hilarious).
Then, on Thursday, I snagged Caitlin after work and we had a sleepover. We pretty much just rehearsed our cosplay ideas for Sakuracon next year. She's Bakura, I'm Ryou, and let me just say this: I make Ryou's voice super high and bouncy. ALL THE TIME. And, since we're so AWESOME, we just kept jumping into impromtu cosplay skits every so often, which made for a lot of fun all night long.
Then we went to work on Friday, and on Saturday, and then I went and set off my own fireworks:
-A mortar kit with 8 shells (as opposed to the couple shells I set off last year)
-Two cakes (minishows)
-LOTS of Roman Candles
-Some fountains
-A sparkler.
I love the part where the stuff goes BOOM! and kills your eardrums. It's great.
I'm excited for college this fall. I think my mom (who knows that I either question or don't believe in God) is trying to at least push me towards Buddhism, because yesterday, after I told her I'm doing Yoga and Meditation for part of Orientation, said that I need to be more flexible, or I'll never be able to do the Kami Sutra.
...I think that's either a yoga position or just a Buddhist prayer. I think it's the latter.
Oh well. Hoping to get something out later today in terms of fanfiction.