We finally got our hands on some of those little ... walking unfortunates. I've yet to see a female..
Hmm.. [There is a suspicious silence until he coughs.] Through study and observation we can tell that they thrive off flesh, and given a substantial amount, they certainly become more animated.
The quickest way to eradicate them is by separating their heads from their bodies, or damaging their head with a good blow. Although they seem quite brainless, they cannot function without their head.
There is very little to them, really, such a shame.. they don't provide anything worth anything to this world.. but by Gods can they certainly take use from this world.
[ All right so the
Beastiary has been updated with the food-chain information; "☆ Food Chain ☆ → Rodents → Animals → Humans" Updates like this will come in good fashion, and more often. If you miss Cil's posts, then just go to the
Beastiary and check out helpful hints and tid-bits to get to killing these nasty little monsters. For those interested in participating in the hunts, you will absolutely need to keep your eye out for Cil's posts. Important!! This ends Night 1, Night 2 will be posted Saturday Morning around the same time this was posted. ♥ Please be prepared and know where your characters are!]