Clois, Tollie, and Lexana, I mean, did you have a doubt?
This is a simpler video with far less effects. I wanted another video to these three pairings out there. My OTPs to a favorite Michael Jackson song of mine, Keep It In the Closet. It's a sensual song that is less well known from his Dangerous album.
Notes About Video: Lois and Clark and Tess and Oliver have more similarities in the *way* they are together than Lex and Lana. Lois and Tess are both vibrant, strong women who take what they want when they want it. So they're more 'strength' oriented. When I tried to incorporate Lexana scenes, she is like a little girl that Lex enjoys rescuing, and the Lexana scenes are very slow and sensual instead of passionate and fierce. So blending the three of them and making the pairings match was interesting and a bit of a challenge. But I love them and they're the only pairings on Smallville that did anything for me, so dammit this is it! :)
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