Who: Miaka & Nuriko.
What: Reuniting~!
When: After
Where: Nuriko's room (408)
Rating: Uhm. PG!
The former Priestess of Suzaku could hardly keep her excitement contained, after she realized one of her seishi was around. Keeping the mysterious journal clutched against her chest, Miaka ran out from her room to find where his room was. She was stuffed from consuming nearly everything that was on the table when she awoke.. But she amazingly still had the energy to move.
Taking the elevator down to the fourth floor, she hurried down the hall, looking at all of the doors.. 420, 418, 416 .. Until she finally reached it, 408~
"I'm here!" she knocked on his door, calling out in her chipper tone. And the moment he opened the door, Nuriko would find himself in the tightest hug ever!