You gotta help me out; it's all a blur last night...

Dec 18, 2011 23:34

Who: itwas_raining and gwaine
What: The castle is a troll. So, there was a loss, and Julia and Gwaine totally thought they were together, right? Here is the aftermath.
When: Backdated to the morning of the end of the Friends loss
Where: Awkwardville. Population: 2.
Rating: I'll just call it PG-13 or something

For all intents and purposes, this was a completely normal morning.

As Julia quietly stirred awake, there was nothing to suggest that anything might be amiss. In fact, it hit her that she was quite comfortable in this bed this morning. Warm and comfortable. Maybe she wasn't ordinarily the type to make a habit out of sleeping in, but what would another twenty minutes hurt, just this once? It wasn't like she had any pressing engagements to get to that she knew of.

She shifted slightly, and was about to doze right back off, when.... she felt something at that moment. Something that was distinctly not bedsheets, that her still half-asleep brain wasn't fully processing at the moment yet somehow knew shouldn't be there. Was that... someone's arm?

She froze.

gwaine, julia

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