Dec 18, 2011 13:41
Who: ROSE TYLER and you?
Where: Boulangerie Malineau: Paris (then on the way to her flat & her flat)
When: December 18th
What: Visit the Bakery. Show up for Work. Meet Rose Tyler. Meet Rose Tyler AGAIN.
Note: Just put in the subject line where you're meeting Rose Tyler. I'm setting up one thread for In the Bakery just to start.
The thing about the bakery is that most of her nights are spent sleeping. She'd offered to let a friend of a friend stay the night, so there had been a note left on the door with a key under the mat. When Rose awoke at four that morning, she sees the tangle of brown hair asleep on the pull-out couch. There's a quick note scrawled to the girl, which Rose leaves on the fridge, and then she heads into work.
The city had felt busier today. A buzz that hums over the entire environment. There's no denying that the shop is busier. New employees that had been hired were showing up today. Original intentions had been that it would be easier to start someone out on a Sunday, but now that she sees just how busy the place is, she's having doubts.
In the moment, she's drawing faces on the fronts of triangle shaped cookies. Small mice finding their expressions in icing, perfect for display in the window. Each time the door opens, she glances up from her work, hoping to see a familiar face. She thought maybe Jacob might drop by or Abel for his usual daily cookie. Things feel different, though, so she's not holding her breath.
rose tyler,
sam winchester