[log] Azula and Ty Lee

Mar 03, 2007 00:08

Who: ...Azula and Ty Lee. xD
What: A really REALLY short discussion.
When: Soon after this
Where: Ty Lee's room, #1312
Rating: G. PG? I dunno.

Room 1312 is what Ty Lee had told her, and luckily enough for Azula, it was nearby. She made her way down one flight of stairs and wandered the halls of the thirteenth floor, looking for her friend's name. She could trust no one in this castle, and she knew Ty Lee's loyalty was definitely there; even Mai's loyalty was questionable. This Paradisa situation was working in her favor, not counting the no-firebending of course. Quickly finding the room she needed, she gave a knock.

Ty Lee put down her journal and hopped up from the bed, noticing the slight recoil she felt in her legs as she did so. Her flexibility really was gone, and she wasn't as agile as before. She bounded up to the door and flung it open. "Azula! You're here!" she said, giving her friend a big hug.

Azula was slightly surprised by the sudden hug, but it was to be expected. It was Ty Lee, after all. "It's good to see you too, Ty Lee." She patted the other girl's back before letting herself in and closing the door behind her. "Sit down," she commanded. "We need to talk about something."

Ty Lee plopped herself down in the chair, with her ever-present cheerful smile on her face. Despite it, she could feel a tiny beed of sweat at the back of her hair. Whenever Azula wanted to talk face-to-face like this, it always meant something big was going on. She remembered when she told her about their plan to impersonate the Kyoshi Warriors with a slight gulp. "Yes?"

A small smirk manifested itself on the princess' lips. "I need you to act as a spy," she got straight to the point. She really hated when people beat around the bush; it was pointless. "Do you know a man named Jet?" Of course she didn't, but she needed to check anyway.

"Jet?" Ty Lee blinked. "Nope, I don't think so." So she was going to be a spy, huh? This should prove to be interesting. Ty Lee was getting rather tired of sitting around all the time, and this might be a good chance to stretch her legs (figuratively or otherwise.)

"I know you're sneaky and you're light on your feet, and if he doesn't know you, then this should prove to be easy." Azula folded her arms behind her back, a habit she must've picked up from her father. She began to walk slowly back and forth in front of Ty Lee. "I've formed a temporary alliance with him," she began. "He's looking to kill my brother and uncle." Had she been talking to anyone else, they would have been appalled at the way she stated this so calmly... It came with being a psychopath, one could suppose.

Ty Lee gasped. "He wants to kill Iroh and Zuko?" Her eyes followed as Azula paced in front of her. Of course she could do the job, but some background info would be nice. She was getting bad vibes already. "Why?"

"He's an Earth Kingdom rebel, why else?" The question was rhetorical, of course. She stopped her pacing and stood calmly in front of the other. "He hates the Fire Nation with a passion, and what better way to take his hatred out on the royalty itself? This serves a problem for me, though," she feigned a sigh, and brushed a hair out of her face. "No doubt he's going to want to get rid of me once he's done using me."

Wait. He's from our world?" She stopped to think for a moment. There was her and Azula. Sokka. Always Sokka. Anyway, then there was Iroh and Prince Zuko. The Avatar and that water girl. That was it.... right? Ty Lee cocked her head slightly and looked at the princess. "Well that's not going to happen. Like anyone could defeat you, Azula."

"Please," Azula rolled her eyes. She had heard it a thousand times, and she didn't want to hear it again. Being told you were the best could get old after a while.

"There's one problem," she continued, and began pacing again. "I can't firebend, so I'm counting on you to do most of the work for me, understand?"

Her heart stopped. Azula couldn't firebend anymore? That could be... problematic. Ty Lee smiled weakly and touched her hand to her face. "Well... I kinda lost my flexibility. So it might be hard to do any Kyusho-jitsu. I can still fight, but..."

"That doesn't matter," she cut in quickly. It was a touchy subject for both of them. Azula was confident their lack of skill wouldn't get in the way. "If you can still run, I don't see the problem."

She shook her head lightly, letting her hair fall in place next to her face. "Here's what I need you to do," she began again. "I want you to watch him for me. He can't touch Zuko, or Uncle," she paused. "Or the Avatar. If he tries anything funny, I want you to tell me immediately. If the situation becomes dire, I want you to immoblize him, understand?"

"Okay. That I can do. I'll have to make sure I can stop him before he attacks, but that should be no problem." Ty Lee brightened again. "This feels just like old times! Only... Mai's not here." She took a moment to reflect. Mai hadn't crossed her mind in a long time now. Not since the first few weeks in Paradisa. Ty Lee wondered if Mai knew they were gone. But that's not something to think about right now-- as Master always says, live for the moment. "So I watch this guy, and stop him if he gets sneaky."

"Exactly," Azula nodded in approval. "In the slightest possibility that we're able to return home, I want all three of them alive, so I may turn them in to Father," Then take the throne for myself, she added in her head, but that was another plan for later. "Also, out of curiosity," she turned to Ty Lee directly. "How successful do you think a government would be in this castle?

"A government? Well..." She opened her mouth to speak but caught herself, recalling the last time she tried to teach Azula about the spirit world. "There are those ghosts in the kitchen. And this castle kind of seems to have a mind of its own..... of course. All that's..... what's the word? Subjunctive?"

Ty Lee has been reading the dictionary, Azula concluded. "Yes, whatever." She began to pace again, and decided that she really needed to stop doing that, even though it helped her think. "It does run fairly well on an anarchy, but, it bothers me." She stopped. "Perhaps creating one just to see how the residents would react. I'm sure they're dying of boredom right about now." Even though maybe causing a bit of trouble would be fun, she took into account that this course of action would make her more enemies rather than allies, which is what she needed in this situation. "Although, I'll wait until someone else tries it, then I can do exactly what I did to the poor, dear Earth King and Long Feng." She stopped, she had started to ramble. Oops. "I trust you're on my side, right, Ty Lee?"

Ty Lee perked up. "Of course I am, Azula. Always!" She stood up from the bed and bowed to her friend. "We are all kind of bored right now. But who else would try and make a government? I mean, there aren't any Earth Kings or Grand Secre...Secra... Long Fengs around here."

"Those fools who think they're in charge," she scowled. Like that one llama emperor. Boy did he get on her nerves. "I'll keep out for them, since they're not much of a threat." She nodded. "You keep an eye out for Jet, and that's all." She bowed to her friend. "Thank you for your time, Ty Lee. I'll be seeing you later." With that, she turned on her heels and exited to return to her room

As soon as the door shut behind Azula, Ty Lee exhaled. She was her friend, but she had this way of bringing a serious and sometimes stressing aura into the environment. At the very least this new plan would give her something to do other than attempting to do poses and holding prayer sessions outside. Ty Lee smirked and lay back on her bed.

azula, ty lee

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