Trust is one thing

Sep 02, 2011 14:41

Who: Elektra Natchios and you!
What: The castle turns Elektra's room into a reflection of her mind.
When: All throughout the plot!
Where: Elektra's headspace room
Rating: TBD/PG-13 for references to death, violence, and questionable parenting at any point in the log.
Notes Prose to start but, actionspam is welcome. Please specify day or else I'll assume it's after the first day. Everyone starts off at Matt's apartment unless they request otherwise. Just mention it in the subject line.

Sleep was never something that came easily to Elektra. She had seen enough in her life to have plenty to haunt to dreams. That was something she could keep safe within herself. No one ever had to see all those terrible things she bottled up inside. Elektra should have know it would never last. When she awakens, Elektra finds herself large bed in a gray, lifeless apartment with the only remarkable features being religious symbols scattered about, a pair of beat up red boxing gloves, and a large stereo; this is Matthew Murdock's apartment. The fire place is roaring and just above it a small statue of a man in woman about to embrace. Elektra takes in these details and looks about ready to lose her mind.

Before Elektra realizes it she's running. A door flies open to reveal woodland area with majestic mountains in the background. A section of the woods has been cleared out and clean wooden houses are scattered about. In the center of these houses is a stage with a rack to hold staffs. It's clearly a training area. The paths are made of dirt. Generally it's a beautiful, peaceful place. There's a door that leads to a far darker place however.

Within it is a beautiful, well kept mansion. Everything within it is polished wood, Greek architecture, and white walls. The furniture is covered in white sheets. It all seems beautiful until those sheets are suddenly covered in blood, bodies randomly appear on the floor, or suddenly there is no mansion at all; just water that seems deadset on choking the life out of whoever is in it...

This is where the true Elektra is trying to escape on the first day. Afterward, different incarnations (a little girl, a woman dressed in red with knives, and so on) are scattered throughout the three places to either help or hurt whoever comes within the room.

peter petrelli, elektra, julia

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