sometimes you've got to fold before you're found out

Sep 02, 2011 11:35

Who: Stefan Salvatore and YOU
What: Stefan's headspace.
When: Throughout the headspace plot.
Where: his room
Rating: R for violence and blood

The rabid animal is chained in to the center of the room. He doesn't look human but if you get close enough, his eyes are recognizable. A faceless man and a faceless woman are on either side of him. The beast drains the woman of her blood as she cries out. She falls, dead. He turns to the man and as he drinks from him, the woman regains consciousness. He drops the man, done with him - and the cycle continues.

The room is covered in mirrors. In the beast's reflection, Stefan stands, committing these atrocities over and over. In the mirror image, Katherine can be seen behind him, whispering, kissing his neck. And in the distance, a door can be seen in the reflection. It's pounded on. But, it never opens.

stefan salvatore

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