Who: Guy of Gisborne
What: Guy thinks about his last few months in the castle: the good times, and especially the bad.
When: June 18th (the day before the pirate plot)
Where: Guy's room
Rating: PG
Guy reclined on the deep sill of his window, staring out at the world of Paradisa. It was a cool summer's day, and a storm was on the horizon. The clouds were gray, the smell of rain was overpowering, and a strong, chilly breeze blew in through the open window. Guy took a deep breath, taking in the scents of the coming storm, and despite the fact he was wearing a thin, white t-shirt and a pair of dark gray shorts, the chill in the wind did not bother him. In fact, after years of spending his summers in head-to-toe black leather, he was quite happy with the lighter clothing. No more sickness from the heat, no more widespread rashes and the open-toed shoes he'd been wearing had done wonders for his sweaty, itchy feet. He really should've felt better than he had in years, but still, he didn't.
Music played quietly, coming from a strange magical box called a "radio." Guy didn't have the faintest clue how to work the device, except how to turn it on. When he did, the radio would sing to him, and always had a knack for picking the perfect songs to suit his mood. Of course it does. He thought to himself, signing. This sodding castle makes everything perfect - at least between the torture sessions. He stomped at the side of the windowsill, hoping the castle felt it.
Guy had been through quite a lot in the past few months: Marian had been returned to him, and by some miracle, their relationship was moving along swimmingly. And then, the castle had begun playing its little pranks. First, he awoke in wolf-form, forced to run around on all fours and communicate via his journal - which, of course, couldn't do a proper translation and left him sounding like an idiot. The longer he stayed in wolf-form, though, the more he began to lose his humanity. Eventually, he became nothing more than a common timberwolf, running through the wilds of Paradisa... at least until Marian was attacked.
He had only vague memories from that point on, though he recalled flying into a rage and running for the castle, hoping to come to her rescue. However, he never quite made it there. Guy had awoken in his room in human form, curled up in a ball in front of the fire and shivering like he'd never been warm in his life. Something had happened to him - he was certain of it - but he could not, for the life of him, remember it. There had been changes, though. Time had passed without his knowledge - weeks, in fact. And even more amazing, when Guy awoke, he could suddenly walk, as if the injury his treacherous sister had inflicted on him had never even existed.
As a loud boom of thunder sounded, rattling the windows of the castle and the rain began to pour in heavy torrents, Guy fingered the long scar that ran along his belly - a remnant from when the castle's physicians had split him open to fix his wound. He remembered the physicians telling him that the knife wound had caused a bubble of blood to press on his spine, and although the damage was not permanent, it would take much time and practice for him to be able to walk again. He had spent months stuck in a wheelchair, and it had taken months before he was even able to balance himself on his knees. And then, one morning, he'd awakened healed, as if by magic. He was quite thankful for it, but it was still unnerving (especially with Marian believing Guy had died...)
"What are you playing at, castle?" He asked the stone wall in front of him, kicking it once more.
To make matters even worse, the Castle had then given Guy what he'd always wanted: a family with Marian. Having twins had been rough, but it was rewarding, and for the first time in many years, Guy was truly happy. But, just as easily as they'd been given, the twins had been taken away - absorbed back into the castle's magic. Guy had been crushed by their disappearance, and had tried to wish them back into existence several times, all to no avail. Every time I have a family, they are taken from me, He thought to himself as tears welled up in his eyes. Marian. Family. Happily ever after. Guy's three main goals in life seemed almost quaint; however, no matter how hard he tried, they also seemed unattainable.
The more he dwelled on his lost dreams, the more miserable he became. He had meant to get out of the castle - to go exploring a place called Lente's Point - but he couldn't seem to bring himself to leave. He worried about what the Castle might do to Marian in his absence (even though, deep down, he knew he was powerless to protect her.) Perhaps it would percieve leaving as a threat, and take away the only thing I have left in this world? He thought. But, if I don't go, I'll never learn what is going on in this place, and if there's a place in this world we can be happy. Guy fought with himself so much, that he ended up spending the day sitting in his windowsill, frustrated and staring out into space - the same place he'd spent the last week.
Lightning flashed, and the wind grew strong, blowing droplets of rain onto Guy; however, he didn't offer to move. He sighed and frowned, and kicked the castle wall a third time.
"I need a reprieve from this ungodly torture. I'm tired of pain, of always fighting and always losing. I want to remember how to be happy again, and be free of worries." Guy whispered, staring at the wall. "I bet you could give that to me, couldn't you, Castle?"
There was a loud clap of thunder and a bright flash of lightning - no doubt it had struck the ground nearby. Guy, however, was unfazed. He smirked at the wall in front of him, and a made a wish.
"I wish to be happy and carefree from now until... let's say, the moment Summer ends..." He said proudly, holding out his arms. He waited a moment, and then scoffed when he realized nothing was going to happen. "Yep. I didn't think you'd grant that one, Castle..."
He kicked the wall once more, for good measure...