Well I lock my hands behind my head

Jun 27, 2011 16:34

Who: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore
What: Damon takes the reins regarding Stefan's blood problem.
When: Day 9, Route C
Where: Damon's cabin
Rating: PG-13 for language quite possibly

The sliding to the deck ajar, Stefan got up from the bed and pushed it open further. The sun was blinding but he needed to step out into the sun. He had only stepped out for a few minutes days before. His journal sat closed on the table, untouched in days. What could he say to Lana? To Lilah? Damon still had no idea he had started out with Lilah and had fixated on Lana when she distracted him.

Stefan claimed he had no problem, that he was managing. But, the truth was he hadn't been. Caroline had been working on regulation but she dropped subjects too easily. She took Stefan for face value. In the castle, Damon may have paid him no mind but the minute they were stuck on a cruise ship out to sea, he worried. A part of him knew that Damon had worried about their identities, their safety and not his brother's problem. His brother's situation. Predicament.

Gripping the railing of their small deck, Stefan closed his eyes, lifting his chin to the sun. Momentarily, the thought of taking his ring off crossed his mind. But, something told him it would do nothing under this strange sun and still he hadn't tested the sun back at the caslte. He didn't trust the castle. He didn't trust anything here. Everything came at a price. Nothing came without strings attached. He couldn't help but think of himself, Damon and Caroline as puppets.

The castle wanted him to be a monster. Why else would it have taken the only way to function as him? The castle had done something to Damon. Stefan had his suspicions but no real proof. Complaining about not being face to face seemed ridiculous now considering he saw more of his brother than anybody else on the boat. He hadn't even let Damon in on the fact that he had slipped away briefly and had met a girl named Buffy. He was in detox. One bag here. Only when Damon said so.

He felt like a child. A used, taken advantage of child.

One thing he did know is he had some questions he had to ask. He had to get to the bottom of Damon's feeling, the fact that Lilah had all ready been bitten, and whatever Damon was doing with Lana in the first place. A vervain bracelet?

Days of detox meant they were overdue for a real conversation. And Stefan was going to make sure once and for all that they were going to have that conversation when Damon got back. It was just a matter of when.

damon salvatore, stefan salvatore

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