Who: Lorne and Jilly
What: Lorne glimpses something real as Jilly's loss ends
Where: Caritas
When: During karaoke, Thursday night.
Rating: PG or less?
The costumes were gone.
She was neater, still, than her usual, paint-speckled chaos, but it was a more subdued girl who perched on the stool on stage, the microphone adjusted to the right level. The past few weeks had slowly been filtering back into her thoughts. They were still distant, like something seen through a fog or remembered from a dream, but they were present now. Later, she wouldn't know how she knew this particular song. It wasn't one she had ever heard before, back home. But it fit as she curled her fingers under the edge of the seat and let her borrowed voice soar.
"♫ If a black man is racist, is it okay
if it's a white man's racism that made him that way?
'Cause the bully's the victim they say.
By some se-ense, they're all the same.
'Cause the line between
wrong and right
is the width of a thread
from a spider's web.
The piano keys
are black and white
but they sound like a million colors
in your mi-iii-ind. ♫"