anger management issues [Log] =D

Feb 20, 2007 16:05

who: Loz, Lana, and anyone else who happens by (we'll make separate comment threads since he'll prolly be here for a while. unless your char wants to barge in another thread =3)
what: loz is angry and decides to try to beat up the castle [[ let's hope this vents some anger for the tourney X3]
when: yesterday
where: 12th floor hallway =D

loz vs castle ~ round 1... FINISH HIM! )

loz, lana lang

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percipience February 21 2007, 23:10:01 UTC
Lana jumped a little again. She couldn't help but be SLIGHTLY freaked out that he could just...smash stuff...with his hands. She pursed her lips and looked around for something else to smash. She'd suggest he go at the wall again but he didn't seem to be making any progress on THAT...which surprised her because he was obviously VERY strong. She looked at her table then at took her a while to debate with herself whether or not she was going to sit down again but then grabbed it and dragged it over closer to Loz being extremely careful not to bump into him on accident then she scuttled back a ways. "For you!" She smiled. She wouldn't be able to smash it but he could. Smashing things was much better anger management then trying to smash things and failing like he was with the wall. Maybe it would make him feel better.


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 23:39:28 UTC
"Heh, wood. Easy." He took the table between two hands. The wood cracked with ease between his gloved hands like he crumpling paper. He let the shards of wood fall from his hands and it looked as if he were dropping a box of toothpicks. He was rather angry still so laying waste to a table was child's play. He watched the wood fall with a pleasurable smirk twisted across his face, his cat-like eyes pleased with the result.


percipience February 21 2007, 23:46:19 UTC
Lana smiled at him then looked down and locked her hands behind her back in a way that was almost shy. She looked up at him, "So...I have a question...I know I'm not allowed to touch you. No touching! Because I don't want to fight!"
She smiled, "But are you allowed to touch me?" She held out one of her hands just slightly, palm up unthreateningly and pointed to the middle of her palm, "Like there?"


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 23:49:46 UTC
Well that was an odd question. She was very adamant about this touching thing. What was with her? "Touching means fighting," he replied, stepping on the wooden shards on the floor, crunching them beneath his boot. That equation was always true, both ways.


percipience February 21 2007, 23:53:01 UTC
She looked down, frustrated, " doesn't mean that for me." Lana sighed gustilly and went to lean back on the table that she had just given to Loz to crush, forgetting that she'd done just that. Her eyes widened as she lost her balance when the table announced that it was missing by not being there. She nearly fell and caught her balance then looked embarrassed. "....I forgot." She suddenly felt intensely embarrassed. Way to be distracted Lana, way to be distracted!


asobu_ka February 22 2007, 00:13:34 UTC
Loz watched her with his green cautious cat-like eyes. This one, although somewhat violent, was obviously not a fighter. A fighter was always aware of his surroundings and she obviously was not. As she stood up, he replied, "Touching is fighting. That's just how it is."


percipience February 22 2007, 00:18:52 UTC
Lana shook her head, "No it's not. Well, not for me." She looked around for a moment, feeling frustrated with her inability to communicate what she wanted him to understand. She noticed some of the flowers from the vases they'd smashed on the floor. She leaned down and picked one up. "See? I'm touching this flower but I'm not being mean to it. I'm just holding it."
She then shook her head and smiled at him, setting the flower back down gently, "Never mind, it's ok that you don't understand. Maybe I can explain it someday."


asobu_ka February 22 2007, 00:53:22 UTC
What an odd analogy. Loz watched her, his eyebrows furrowed into a strange, confused look. "Flowers don't fight back." He'd stepped on enough of them to know that as truth. In fact, he hated flowers, especially lilies grown with lifestream water. He didn't get her analogy or why she was so adamant about touching, but he didn't give it much thought. It wasn't that important.


percipience February 22 2007, 02:33:48 UTC
Lana actually laughed cheerfully at what he said and gave him a bright smile, "No, I suppose they dont. But...neither do I." She winked at Loz. She then glanced down the hall, "Well, Loz, I think I need to get something to eat so I'll leave you to your castle beating. Kick its ass!" She gave her fist a little toss in a 'woohoo' sort of manner then smiled and waved. "I'll see you later, ok?"


asobu_ka February 22 2007, 03:02:07 UTC
How could a person be a flower? Loz didn't like flowers but didn't mind her so there was no way she was a flower. If she were, he'd have to crush her. So she wasn't a flower.

And now the flower was walking away, to get food, his favorite pasttime, but he wasn't hungry right now. He was in smashy mode. So he simply nodded and returned to smashing the wall.


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