anger management issues [Log] =D

Feb 20, 2007 16:05

who: Loz, Lana, and anyone else who happens by (we'll make separate comment threads since he'll prolly be here for a while. unless your char wants to barge in another thread =3)
what: loz is angry and decides to try to beat up the castle [[ let's hope this vents some anger for the tourney X3]
when: yesterday
where: 12th floor hallway =D

loz vs castle ~ round 1... FINISH HIM! )

loz, lana lang

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Comments 36

percipience February 21 2007, 00:56:12 UTC
Lana found herself very easily bored in this castle. Well…in her room at least. There was so much strange stuff outside of her room that there’s no way she could be too bored. Today she’d taken to wandering the halls and reading all of the names on the door plaques. Some of them were really bizarre. She was pretty cheerful today seeing as her iPod had just shown up in one of her drawers randomly. Now…if only her cell phone would do the same..not that she’d get service here.

She was reading the name plates when suddenly WHAM! She was awakened from her little reverie of musing about strange names to a loud sound. She turned and stared. Lana had begun to make a list in her mind of some of the strangest things she’d seen and heard in Paradisa thus far. She decided this probably could be added to the list. So she made a mental note, ‘large, leather clad man with funny white hair beats crap out of wall.’ He was actually fairly good looking in a huge, angry sort of way. Apparently he had an affinity for black leather since it was all he ( ... )


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 01:25:57 UTC
Loz looked over his shoulder at her, a rather befuddled expression drawn across his sharp features. Who was this woman. MOTHER? No, no, she couldn't be, could she? There was no way that Mother would simply walk up to him and find him OUT OF THE BLUE. His luck was not that good. Ever ( ... )


percipience February 21 2007, 01:37:41 UTC
Lana gave him an odd look then looked from him to down at her own body, "Not unless I've had some very important memories and several years from my age erased."

Running would be good now Lana, he wasn't looking any happier. Or maybe disappearing into Dilan's room or something. It was around here somewhere. She leaned back on one of her legs as if she was going to leave but she changed her mind. For some reason she didn't feel actually threatened by this fellow...though perhaps that meant the castle had taken her sanity since anyone in their right mind probably SHOULD be afraid of this fellow.

She refused to squirm under that unbelievably intense gaze. "Do I look like your mother?" she asked with genuine curiosity. HELL! Who knew! Stranger things had happened in this place.


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 01:57:22 UTC
Do I look like your mother? The words echoed in Loz's rather empty mind. What did mother look like? He never did ask Kadaj that question. Well, with a question like that from the woman, she was definitely NOT the one he searched for. How could a mother forget her own son, right?

Fist met the wall once again, as Loz dejectedly and angrily turned backside to her. He didn't want her to see he was weeping. Yazoo would fuss at him for this, but he wasn't here, which made Loz even angrier. He was so confused and so upset at the same time, his emotions flaired up in a fit of chaos and ran rampant through his mind. "The castle took Mother away," he said quietly, sounding thoroughly upset.


percipience February 21 2007, 23:10:01 UTC
Lana jumped a little again. She couldn't help but be SLIGHTLY freaked out that he could just...smash stuff...with his hands. She pursed her lips and looked around for something else to smash. She'd suggest he go at the wall again but he didn't seem to be making any progress on THAT...which surprised her because he was obviously VERY strong. She looked at her table then at took her a while to debate with herself whether or not she was going to sit down again but then grabbed it and dragged it over closer to Loz being extremely careful not to bump into him on accident then she scuttled back a ways. "For you!" She smiled. She wouldn't be able to smash it but he could. Smashing things was much better anger management then trying to smash things and failing like he was with the wall. Maybe it would make him feel better.


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 23:39:28 UTC
"Heh, wood. Easy." He took the table between two hands. The wood cracked with ease between his gloved hands like he crumpling paper. He let the shards of wood fall from his hands and it looked as if he were dropping a box of toothpicks. He was rather angry still so laying waste to a table was child's play. He watched the wood fall with a pleasurable smirk twisted across his face, his cat-like eyes pleased with the result.


percipience February 21 2007, 23:46:19 UTC
Lana smiled at him then looked down and locked her hands behind her back in a way that was almost shy. She looked up at him, "So...I have a question...I know I'm not allowed to touch you. No touching! Because I don't want to fight!"
She smiled, "But are you allowed to touch me?" She held out one of her hands just slightly, palm up unthreateningly and pointed to the middle of her palm, "Like there?"


asobu_ka February 21 2007, 23:49:46 UTC
Well that was an odd question. She was very adamant about this touching thing. What was with her? "Touching means fighting," he replied, stepping on the wooden shards on the floor, crunching them beneath his boot. That equation was always true, both ways.


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