my boy builds coffins and I think it's a shame

Oct 07, 2010 18:20

Who: Asuka and Legato.
What: Creepin'.
When: Tonight!
Where: The City.
Rating: PG-13? :|a Maybe R if Asuka decides to become a sailor.

Just when Asuka was feeling fairly collected (her hands didn't shake, she could sleep), Hikari left. As always, she got mad. She got furious. She hated Hikari for leaving, for coming back, for making it seem like nothing was wrong at home and she hated herself for lying to her, even if it ultimately changed nothing. But she hated herself even more for getting used to her here. She had left once--nothing said she couldn't leave again. Just like Shinji.

Things moved on. She adjusted. She bottled it up, just like everything else, and pushed it to the back of her mind. There were more important things to take care of. Like shopping. It was getting colder, and Asuka was tired of the coats and boots she had from the years previous.

She stopped outside one of the stores, looking in the giant glass window to gaze at the displays. Without thinking, she opened her mouth.

"Hey, that one--"

Then she remembered that she was out shopping by herself. Right.

She had gotten too used to Hikari being around. Glancing around quickly, making sure no one had heard that, Asuka shoved her hands in the pockets of her jacket and continued down the street.


legato bluesummers, asuka langley soryu

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