Who: Stephanie Brown and Kate Kane
What: Batgirl meets Batwoman
When: Midnight-ish
Where: In the city, a local jewelry store.
Rating: PG? PG-13 if they start... okay I won’t go there. JUST KIDDING.
One of the wondrous things about the night was the separation of daily and night life. Once Kate put on her red and black cowl, she did not need to dwell on events from earlier. One of the most basic disciplines she learned while at West Point: a soldier did not bring personal matters onto the front line and always kept a clear head. Even with news of Bruce Wayne being the face behind Batman’s mask and coming to realize the entire Wayne family was fostering Robins, and Charlie living a healthy, almost carefree life in Paradisa, it was best to put it all behind for now.
Admittedly, a part of her was ready with a retort when Charlie had brought up the Bat symbol. She was expecting him to tell her to take it off and to stop completely (not that she would have) but was grateful he was more understanding than her father. The irony of feeling free and honest with herself when she hid behind a mask every night.
Ever since her first encounter in the City Royale with Talia al Ghul, most activity had ceased and nowadays, the nights were quiet and resembled something out of a horror movie; it was too calm, just before something was about to go down. There had been mentions in the journal, people growing apprehensive and anticipating whatever it was the Castle was going to throw at them next.
Sauntering along the edge of a roof, Kate pondered what this would be for a moment.
However, it occurred to her then that the nightlife of the city was not completely dead as her mask began to pick up audio from somewhere below. She identified at least two men, in a store below where the window on the roof had been pried open.
She vaulted onto the building and could hear the jangling of jewelry as the men below broke another glass case and hauled everything their greedy fingers could into the their bags. They each stood around six feet but the guns at their hips told her they needed to compensate. There was a third male voice but from where she stood, she could not make out where he was. Mostly likely in another room.
Little did she know she would not be alone tonight.