(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 03:38

Who: Jin Kisaragi [though open to others, if they so desire]
What: Your forest? Is getting partially frozen out of rage.
When: Monday evening
Where: The forest
Rating: PG? At least. Jin is never rated G.

Two months. It had already been two months since his arrival in this alternate world, and Jin loathed it. It wasn't so much the fact that he was trapped here... that was almost pleasant. Paradisa was vastly different from Kagutsuchi, and despite the world's own sort of Hell, here he didn't have to worry about being pursued by the Novus Orbis Librarium for his acting on his own and abandoning his post. For the most part, he didn't give a damn about the NOL to begin with, and not having to put up with them was a welcome change.

What was truly bothering him, was the fact that he still hadn't met Ragna the Bloodedge.

His beloved brother was here in the castle as well; they were in such close proximity of each other. At any moment, on any day, he could have ran into the infamous Grim Reaper. He could have had that showdown he had desired for so long. It was so close, it was almost in his grasp, and yet-

Two months had already passed, and he still hadn't even ran into Ragna face-to-face. The only time he had done so, Jin wasn't himself, and that chance was lost. Now with that over, and even with knowing fully well what Ragna had planned, his brother had still managed to slip out of the castle without notice.

In his silent anger, Jin had managed to wander out to the forest near the castle; It wasn't exactly the most ideal place for him, but anywhere was better than in the castle itself. Too many people were in that place, far too much filth for Jin to put up with... though it was at least a step up from Kagutsuchi, or any other hierarchial city for that matter. Here, it was at least quiet, and chances of running into someone in there were slim.

He would eventually cease his advance; he had wandered far enough into the forest. He glanced around carefully, scouting and listening for any signs of either man or beast in the vacinity. Nothing but silence would greet him. His gaze returned forward, his eyes narrowing as his hand tightly gripping around the sheathe of his sword; his Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa. While he was already obsessed with the idea of being able to meet Ragna again, Yukianesa was only enhancing those feelings further.

Ragna the Bloodedge. His elusive brother. He desperately wanted to encounter him again. To fight him. To kill him.

Yet there was always something to stop him from doing so. He would let out a low growl as he thought about it, his hand tightening around his sword once more. His mind went over the instances, which would do nothing but result only in enraging him.

Jin's hand would reach over to the hilt of Yukianesa then, and swiftly drawing the blade from its sheathe as he spun around on his heel, before driving the blade of ice into the ground. In an instant, the surrounding area was suddenly encased in ice: the trees, the ground, all locked away in the detioriating ice caused by the Nox. Few snowflakes would fall as the frozen mist hung around Jin, who still kept the sword's blade in the ground for several moments longer. His eyes were locked in a cold stare, before he would let out a low chuckle as he pulled the sword from the ground, and returning it to its sheathe.

"Don't think you can hide forever, Brother. I'll find you. And when I do... I'll kill you again."

jin kisaragi

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