A priest, a shinigami and a demon walk into a bar...

Mar 22, 2010 22:48

Who: Lorne, Abel and Ukitake
When: Evening of 22nd
Where: Caritas
What: Some friendly drinks and karaoke
Rating: PG I think

Ukitake still wasn't sure about this, bars were not places he frequented often and alcohol was certainly not something he was very used to. But he had become increasingly worried about Shunsui, and long long experience with his best friend had taught him the best way to find him was to search the bars.

And, of course, it was highly impolite to sit in a bar for a few hours without buying a drink - so he'd invited Abel along to keep him company while he engaged in a pass time that was certainly not of the norm for him. He would try all the bars in turn, but he'd prefer to start with Caritas where he had at least some familiarity.

Slipping in the front door at 7:45, always a little early for any meeting, he made his way to the bar and precariously perched on one of the stools before offering a grin to Lorne.


[ooc: Posting order: Ukitake, Lorne, Abel]

lorne, ukitake jyuushiro, abel nightroad

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