(no subject)

Nov 01, 2009 17:11

Who: Ruby & Sam
What: Discussing being a Blood Donor
When: Sunday, early afternoon - after she found out Sylar's condition hadn't changed
Where: Their room
Rating: PG-13?

The dogs had miraculously reappeared that morning, just as everything else went back to normal. Ruby was woken up by a cold nose nudging her hand, and she got up to take them out while Sam slept. He was exhausted, and she could tell by how soundly he had slept. It'd been a while since they'd had a real hunt and a constant barrage of zombies and vampires was a lot of hunting.

Coming back into the room the dogs went to take a nap, and Ruby climbed back into bed beside Sam, curling into his side, and trying to go back to sleep. The spot she had been sleeping in was cold though, so she was trying to draw a lot more of the body heat from him, being that he was like a living heating pad.

"Are you awake?"

ruby {demon}, sam winchester

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