la la open post

Oct 01, 2009 22:23

Who: Cassie and whoever.
What: Skateboarding.
When: Thursday afternoon.
Where: Front steps.
Rating: G

So she was kicking around in the front courtyard.

Her skateboard took a hard tumble down the front steps, and she followed it down, dragging her feet so that her sneakers scuffed over the stairs.

It was cool out, which was a nice change from summer. Even if she could have easily wandered around in cut-offs and a tank top and not felt the slighest chill, she wore a sweater and an old pair of not-so-fitted jeans. Her old WG shirt peeked out between the zipper sides on her coat. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and she hadn’t even bothered with make-up.

Screw looking nice. She had no reason to look nice.

Cassie nudged the skateboard back over onto its wheels, and put a foot on it, experimentally. It had been so long since she last picked up the old thing; it hadn't left her closet at home in years, and it hadn’t left her closet here at all.

She let out a huff and pushed off, rolling a few feet before stepping down again.

cassandra sandsmark (wonder girl)

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