(no subject)

Sep 30, 2009 18:55

Who: Bruce Wayne & Lois Lane
What: Dinner at some Italian place Lois knows
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Didn't I already say some Italian place Lois knows?
Rating: PG-13 (Default because he's THE GDBatman)

Bruce knows there's something very odd going on. Ever since he's arrived back at the castle he has been waking up at noon, on the dot, without fail. To make matters worse he hasn't learned anything from this and is still staying out far too late. It's been catching up to him, but he's Bruce Wayne, so he endures.

A light work-out seems to wake him up enough, and as the day wears on he adjusts. By the time six in the evening rolls around he's making his way to his bedroom to get ready for his date with Miss Lane. Dressing in a pair of black dress slacks, and a crisp white dress shirt, he opts against the tie and heads to put on his shoes. Checking himself in the mirror he scrutinizes over his reflection, seeing that the lack of sleep is a bit visible on his features. Splashing a bit of cool water on his face before reaching for a towel, he at least feels somewhat refreshed. He grabs a tie rolling it up neatly and putting it inside the the suit jacket, just in case he needed it.

He'd told Miss Lane that he'd be there to pick her up at her door at seven, so he knew he was a few minutes early. Knocking lightly he waited for Lois to answer.

bruce wayne (batman), lois lane

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